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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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riddle me this

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hey guys

I recently purchased a Vapor X60 Malkin pattern lie 5, 87 flex OPS. I'm 5`7 175lbs

I play with it for 6-7 games and I get zero performance out of hit. the stick feels like a lemon.

my snapshots lose so much velocity, they look like Wakefield's knuckle ball. my wristers lose precision, can't place em where I want. etc etc etc horrible performance from a high priced OPS.

I go back to my AK27 shaft 100 flex, Iginla pattern. and the snapshot is back in full force. the wristers are back with precision.

so, why does a $100 shaft perform better than a $250 OPS??? maybe I was wrong, but I always thought a high priced stick would be better than a moderately priced staft.

I'm confused...hahaha

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Most likely you 100 flex isn't flexing on snap or wrist shots, while the 87 flex is. You aren't feeling the shaft load and release so you aren't getting any benefit of the lighter flex. You have a different curve that requires a slightly different puck placement on the blade when you shoot. Then you have a different lie, that may or may not be right for you, and may very well require a different hand position give the different lie.

When making a massive change like that, you have to learn to use the stick. Not just assume it is going to be the same as what you had.

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Sorry didn't read the OP properly.

Agreed, theres so many differences between the 2. Theres no suprise its not working for you.

Dunno about you, but little differences are a big deal for me. My preffred flex is Warrior 95, but I cant do anything with 102 flex Bauers. Curve and lie I can adjust to, to an extent, but flex is a deal breaker.

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You used a mid kick setup then went to a low kick setup, didn't work. You might do better with a One95, or just stick with the Warrior setup.

I have a great shot with low kick sticks, tried the One95 and couldn't shoot worth crap. Sometimes gear just doesn't agree with your style.

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You used a mid kick setup then went to a low kick setup, didn't work. You might do better with a One95, or just stick with the Warrior setup.

I have a great shot with low kick sticks, tried the One95 and couldn't shoot worth crap. Sometimes gear just doesn't agree with your style.

just out of curiousity...does a ONE95 shaft perform like an AK27 shaft?

the AK27 is a standard shaft...is the ONE95 also standard?

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You used a mid kick setup then went to a low kick setup, didn't work. You might do better with a One95, or just stick with the Warrior setup.

I have a great shot with low kick sticks, tried the One95 and couldn't shoot worth crap. Sometimes gear just doesn't agree with your style.

just out of curiousity...does a ONE95 shaft perform like an AK27 shaft?

the AK27 is a standard shaft...is the ONE95 also standard?

Yest, the One95 is a mid-kick point standard shaft. Although, there is a tapered version available from Pure Hockey with a .520 taper.

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