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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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london knights teddy bear night

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Tons of minor league teams do this and probably some of the bigs. It takes no longer to grab than hats from a hattrick. Lowell just did their's this Sunday.

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A local CHL team, Texas Brahmas, has a Bull Toss after every goal. Granted, its a small arena. But it's clean up after every goal. Can't figure out who thought it was a good idea.

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London has been doing this for about 5 or so years now. Tons of teams do it around the christmas season, especially in the OHL. I was at a game in 2005 that ended 0-0. At the end of regulation, someone must have gotten fed up or impatient, and tossed a bear. The chain reaction started, and there was a delay heading into overtime.

This year, London had the routine down perfectly. They handed out clear plastic bags for people with multiple bears, which made picking them up faster. The amount of people picking up the bears was crazy - at least 40 to 60 people were out there picking them up. Arena staff and volunteers from local hockey teams did an amazing job. They were able to pick up over 8200 bears (new London record) in UNDER 10 MINUTES. Between bears raining down for 5 minutes and the fast pickup, they were playing again within 15 minutes of London scoring.

It is a great promotion for an arena that draws a good crowd (London gets about 9000 for home games) To compare, a week later Saginaw ran the promotion and there was less than 1000 bears tossed.


theres a pretty funny picture from that night, Nazem Kadri put a stuffed gorilla on the bench next to Daniel Erlich, who is about 5ft6... lol

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I was at that game too. They'd never done it before, and I didn't hear about it beforehand, so I really wondered why everyone had brought teddy bears to the game.

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