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Which wood blade in the Bauer series is lightest ?

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Which wood blade in the Bauer series is the lightest ? I am assuming the 7000 series wood blade is the lightest, but am skeptical because of the extra level of reinforcement it has over the 3000.

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The 7000 is the standard blade.  The 6500 is the short-hoseled tapered blade.

kobe you sure, i just purchased a short hoseled blade the other day? heres pic, sorry its spraypainted but you can faintly see the 7500 on the blade sorry they were taken with some cheap webcam



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I remember it being the 6500 before the Bauer site reverted back into the stone age. It was x500 something... close enough :D

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buar 520 is a bauer wooden taperd blade? Thats just what I need. I wasnt sure if bauer made wooden blades for my L2.

I have a picture of one but I don't know how to upload it.

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buar 520 is a bauer wooden taperd blade? Thats just what I need. I wasnt sure if bauer made wooden blades for my L2.

Bauer 7500 (not 7000) is the short hosel, tapered tenon blade. It is light, even for a short hosel blade.

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buar 520 is a bauer wooden taperd blade? Thats just what I need. I wasnt sure if bauer made wooden blades for my L2.

Bauer 7500 (not 7000) is the short hosel, tapered tenon blade. It is light, even for a short hosel blade.

any online sites i can find some?

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buar 520 is a bauer wooden taperd blade? Thats just what I need. I wasnt sure if bauer made wooden blades for my L2.

Bauer 7500 (not 7000) is the short hosel, tapered tenon blade. It is light, even for a short hosel blade.

any online sites i can find some?




How reliable these sites are for ordering are another question plus the lack of selection can't be a good thing.

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How about this... does anyone know if the black bauer 4000 series blade is lighter than the white 5000 series blade ??? ANyone work at a hockey store where they could hold the two up side and side and tell me ??

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Seriously, what does it matter? They're both made of wood. The weight difference might be what, 10 grams? What's 10 grams? About the same weight as 10 paper clips. Pick up 10 paper clips in one hand, then hold both hands out in front of you and see if you notice a difference. You won't. Besides, wood is a natural product, and therefore doesn't have a standard weight. You might find 3 different 4000 or 5000 blades that all have different weights. Buy the blade that looks more durable, that'll make a much bigger difference for you than a miniscule weight difference.

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I live for performance.... 10 grams is that split second difference between scoring a goal and getting gloved. I reason I am asking is because i weighed the bauer 1000 and the bauer 4000 blade (both made of wood for your scientific analysis bill nye) and the 4000 is far and away lighter than the 1000. 10 grams makes a difference at the end of a 60" stick, because it is so far away from the body based on the principle of torque, so i dont want to hear that bs of weight doesnt matter... because it really does.

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I live for performance.... 10 grams is that split second difference between scoring a goal and getting gloved. I reason I am asking is because i weighed the bauer 1000 and the bauer 4000 blade (both made of wood for your scientific analysis bill nye) and the 4000 is far and away lighter than the 1000. 10 grams makes a difference at the end of a 60" stick, because it is so far away from the body based on the principle of torque, so i dont want to hear that bs of weight doesnt matter... because it really does.


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I think there's something you don't understand about that "good observation". Wood is a natural product, not a manufactured one. No two same-size pieces of wood will weigh the same, even if cut from the same tree. There are imperfections and other inconsistencies that will cause weight variances, strength variances, etc. Bill Nye told me that.

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