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Easton Curve closest to P88

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Iginla is the closest I believe...Heatly is the same curve as the Iginla with a lower lie. The P88 is deeper than both.

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The closest is the Sakic, although it is much more open. There isn't a true clone for Easton (although I have no clue what the Chara is, that has been pretty mum)

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Sakic is deeper than both the Heatly and Iggy and in that way is like the P88. However, it's also very open, which to me makes it nothing like the p88.

I agree w/ Invert, no exact clone...

Drury is a flatter curve, very open...nothing at all like a p88...I don't use that pattern but I believe the Staal p91A (or P91 I can't remember) is a Drury clone.

Just FYI - You can use the pattern DB at the top to see what patterns are similar.

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...although I have no clue what the Chara is, that has been pretty mum

the chara is 5 lie, 1/2" mid curve with a round toe.

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isnt the zetterberg the closest to the lindros (besides the iginla)?

i know it is a malkin clone, but its relatively close to a lindros. sakic is nothing close to it...

Not at all...a shallow heel curve is nothing like a moderately deep mid curve.

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isnt the zetterberg the closest to the lindros (besides the iginla)?

i know it is a malkin clone, but its relatively close to a lindros. sakic is nothing close to it...

Not at all...a shallow heel curve is nothing like a moderately deep mid curve.

It's pretty close to the original Lindros, but not what it is now.

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isnt the zetterberg the closest to the lindros (besides the iginla)?

i know it is a malkin clone, but its relatively close to a lindros. sakic is nothing close to it...

Not at all...a shallow heel curve is nothing like a moderately deep mid curve.

It's pretty close to the original Lindros, but not what it is now.

True but the OP was asking about the current p88 so that is what I was commenting on. On a side note the original Lindros was my favorite in H.S....Jesus that was a long time ago.

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isnt the zetterberg the closest to the lindros (besides the iginla)?

i know it is a malkin clone, but its relatively close to a lindros. sakic is nothing close to it...

Not at all...a shallow heel curve is nothing like a moderately deep mid curve.

but aside from the iginla, whats closer?

definitely not the sakic. thats an open mid curve. definitely not the drury. thats an open heel.

the zetterberg is a shallow mid curve.

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The Iginla is generally the one you would need to look for. Companies don't normally make a whole lot of redundant curves, that's rather pointless. Heatley or Chara are your other options, and those are both 5 lie.

Zetterberg is a heel, not a mid. The P88 is a mid, as is the Iginla.

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I am also a big fan of the P88 Lindros/kane curve and i went out and bought the iginla curve. I cut the stick to my height i like and tried it on the ice, the blade felt short and the puck was mostly on the end of the blade instead of the P88 where the puck sits near the heel. I sold the easton stick and bought another one95. the only easton that i think comes close is the yzerman

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