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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toned down sakic curve?

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Are their any retail blades that are sakic clones with a bit less curve or less of an open face? I like the mid-toe curve, but the openness of the sakic is a bit much. I would love to try a p14 from bauer but I don't have the money right now to order a one95 straight from bauer ID (any other way to get a hold of these?)

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Are their any retail blades that are sakic clones with a bit less curve or less of an open face? I like the mid-toe curve, but the openness of the sakic is a bit much. I would love to try a p14 from bauer but I don't have the money right now to order a one95 straight from bauer ID (any other way to get a hold of these?)

Hmm.. you could try a RBK Datsyuk, it looks a little more closed than the Sakic, but is still a mid-toe. The lie might be a touch lower though.

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I believe that a p29 would be right on the money for you

Warrior Vanek


Easton Darby


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Warrior Vanek


Easton Darby


Are these regular retail curves?

Also, are the bauer id curves p29 and p14 etc only available by ordering a brand new one95 or x60 for full price? (looking for cheaper alternatives)

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I switched to a recchi/tavares U+cl after using a Sakic s17 for a while. Which helped my stickhandling control and shot accuracy. Still has a decent curve, just more closed. Now I'm using the p88 (kane/lindros) pattern which I like a lot.

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Are their any retail blades that are sakic clones with a bit less curve or less of an open face? I like the mid-toe curve, but the openness of the sakic is a bit much. I would love to try a p14 from bauer but I don't have the money right now to order a one95 straight from bauer ID (any other way to get a hold of these?)

Hmm.. you could try a RBK Datsyuk, it looks a little more closed than the Sakic, but is still a mid-toe. The lie might be a touch lower though.

that but its not mid toe, its closer to mid heel whilst still keep it mid if you get me

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I dont know how easy they would be to get in your area, but the Sherwood P12 (supposed to be an Iginla clone) is a mid-toe that is not as open as a Sakic. You can see a pic at HM.

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Warrior Vanek


Easton Darby


Are these regular retail curves?

Also, are the bauer id curves p29 and p14 etc only available by ordering a brand new one95 or x60 for full price? (looking for cheaper alternatives)

The warrior is, others are pro stock that can be found regularly on ebay.

I'd also look into the Harrow Recchi clone, I used to put a lot of Sakic fans into that when we sold their stuff.

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Are their any retail blades that are sakic clones with a bit less curve or less of an open face? I like the mid-toe curve, but the openness of the sakic is a bit much. I would love to try a p14 from bauer but I don't have the money right now to order a one95 straight from bauer ID (any other way to get a hold of these?)

You can get the p14 retail at Daves Sport Shop in MN I know.


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Are their any retail blades that are sakic clones with a bit less curve or less of an open face? I like the mid-toe curve, but the openness of the sakic is a bit much. I would love to try a p14 from bauer but I don't have the money right now to order a one95 straight from bauer ID (any other way to get a hold of these?)

You can get the p14 retail at Daves Sport Shop in MN I know.


There are a few LHS in the twin cities that carry the P14. Scott Bjugstad runs a pretty popular "shooting camp" around here and i believe that is the curve he uses and likes to recommend to people at his camp.

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Are the Vanek and P29 clones? P29 isn't in the DB at the top.

I believe so, but I haven't had the opportunity to compare them as Bauer doesn't do trade shows and the one Bauer dealer in the area never had any of the nikeid/mybauer product.

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I'd also look into the Harrow Recchi clone, I used to put a lot of Sakic fans into that when we sold their stuff.

Chadd can you comment on what the Harrow pattern #4 was like. If it is anything like a mid-toe with a neutral/slightly open face it is exactly what I'm looking for.

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I'd also look into the Harrow Recchi clone, I used to put a lot of Sakic fans into that when we sold their stuff.

Chadd can you comment on what the Harrow pattern #4 was like. If it is anything like a mid-toe with a neutral/slightly open face it is exactly what I'm looking for.

They have pictures of all their curves at harrowsports.com

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I'd also look into the Harrow Recchi clone, I used to put a lot of Sakic fans into that when we sold their stuff.

Chadd can you comment on what the Harrow pattern #4 was like. If it is anything like a mid-toe with a neutral/slightly open face it is exactly what I'm looking for.

They have pictures of all their curves at harrowsports.com

Someone also posted their own pics a couple days ago. Good deal topic maybe?

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Are the Vanek and P29 clones? P29 isn't in the DB at the top.

I believe so, but I haven't had the opportunity to compare them as Bauer doesn't do trade shows and the one Bauer dealer in the area never had any of the nikeid/mybauer product.

The P29 is just a flat version of P92. To match the Vanek pattern, you'd want the P89 from Bauer.


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Are their any retail blades that are sakic clones with a bit less curve or less of an open face? I like the mid-toe curve, but the openness of the sakic is a bit much. I would love to try a p14 from bauer but I don't have the money right now to order a one95 straight from bauer ID (any other way to get a hold of these?)

Hmm.. you could try a RBK Datsyuk, it looks a little more closed than the Sakic, but is still a mid-toe. The lie might be a touch lower though.

that but its not mid toe, its closer to mid heel whilst still keep it mid if you get me

Has the datsyuk always been this way or have they changed it this year?

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