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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller to Ice

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So finally switching over to Ice this upcoming season. Figure I would check to see if I was missing any equipment that you guys would recommend. So aside from standard roller gear I bought Ice pants and Shoulder Pads. Am I missing anything?

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I made the switch about 6 months ago. I purchased skates, shoulder pads, pants, a jock with velcro sock attachments, & socks. I kept the same helmet with full cage, gloves, elbows, & shins.

I love ice so much more than roller, good luck! :)

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Is it hard to convert - been thinking about doing this for ages but put off byt he thought of being a slow/wobbly player for a while

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Depending on what you wear for elbow pads, you might want to consider upgrading. I wear super old elbow pads for roller and there's not much padding left. With ice, I've found that I want something a little more protective. You might also need a new cup/jock strap system. If whatever you're wearing for roller doesn't have the velcro tabs to hold up socks, you should consider investing in one.

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Just go to alot of mid-day public skates and get your stopping and turns down. Your shot, passing and game presence is the same.

Great advice for picking up the fundamentals of skating. I felt really uncomfortable switching to ice initially because my level of play was nowhere near where it was with roller, largely because I could not start and stop as well. Things are better now, but still a ways to go to match where my level was with roller.

I found my shooting to be poor initially as well, as I was not very well balanced on ice skates. That came after a few months though. Passing is more or less the same throughout. I found game presence to be quite different though. Playing 4 on 4 vs 5 on 5 is a huge difference; a lot more importance with positioning for ice due to the increased speed and quick transitions. Also had to account for offsides, so had to adjust my approach and positioning quite significantly. The hands of stone need some work too, ice requires a finer touch as the puck just slides and slides and slides...

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