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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just got back from a game and I got my bell rung pretty good. Went in to hit a kid while he was recieving a suicide pass and he got his stick up and cross checked me in the head at the last minute. I never blacked out or anything, and I know wher I am/was, but I have a wicked headache and my pupals(sp?) are really dialated. Also I am really tired all of a sudden (after the hit). Does this sound at all like a concussion? Or did i just get my bell rung pretty good.

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Sounds like one to me. I know when I got them I'd feel groggy and sleepy, but I wouldn't be going to sleep at all. I'd definitely get your egg checked out anyway just to be safe.

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Lots of people think if you suffer a concusion, you shouldnt sleep, but that depends on how bad it is. Most times sleeping is good because it allows your body to relax. However, if the side effects are really bad and you go to sleep, it may be hard for someone to wake you up. If this happens, you should see a doctor.

Some symptoms could be; Confusion, headache, nausea or vomiting, blurred vision or,loss of short-term memory.

Consult a docter if you experiance confusion, extreme drowsiness, weakness or inability to walk, severe headache,loss of memory.

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I just got back from a game and I got my bell rung pretty good. Went in to hit a kid while he was recieving a suicide pass and he got his stick up and cross checked me in the head at the last minute. I never blacked out or anything, and I know wher I am/was, but I have a wicked headache and my pupals(sp?) are really dialated. Also I am really tired all of a sudden (after the hit). Does this sound at all like a concussion? Or did i just get my bell rung pretty good.

Go here and read all of this: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/9251-4.asp

Also, you should definitely go see a doctor regardless of anything, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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Did you tell your coach what happened? He should have checked you out, or had somebody else. When I got my concussion (as mild as it was) I was lucky that a kid's dad was a paramedic. Definitely don't go to sleep, in fact you might want to go to the ER just to be on the safe side. Hell its Canada, its free.

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I clearly remember what happened before that, during the check to my head, and after that. My coach and trainer didn't think I had one and they made me call back to talk with me again about the symptems. They were both sure I didn't have one, and they are both very safety orientated. As of now I can't get to the hospital because there is no car here, and the hospital is a 30 minute drive from my house, so walking is also not an option. I will just have to wait for my dad to come home so he can drive me.

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Sounds like a mild one to me, I've only ever had one and I didn't have any symptoms (that I remember) other than dilated pupils and drowsyness. If you aren't going to goto the ER tell your parents to wake you up every 2 hours during the night or you can do it yourself. If you went to the ER they'd tell you to do that. It's like a check-up to make sure your brain isn't swelling.

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I'd say it's very mild because I barely remember anything after the worst one I had, but others usually felt like an instant hangover and everything hurt from my head down.

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You set your alarm every 2 hours. If you hear the alarm get up and set it in another 2 more hours. Do this until it's your wake-up time. If your brain swells you will go into a coma. This is why they tell you to do this after a concusion because with the severe ones the brain will swell and push itself against the skull leaving you unconcious. If you wake up, your fine, but do it every 2 hours.

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So If I set my alarm for every two hours how can I check for swelling? Will the headache I have just be worse or what?

Just go right now to your local hospital and see a doctor in the emergency room. It's not worth risking your life or going into a coma.

Go to your local ER right now, it's better to be safe than sorry!

They will give you medication that will reduce swelling and tell you exactly what you need to do and the safest way possible to go about this, setting your alarm clock every 2 hours and relying on that is extremely dangerous, especially if you don't hear it and the chances are you won't hear it because you'll be in such a deep sleep.

If you don't hear the alarm clock and wake up, you could go into a coma. Are you really willing to take that risk and place your life in the hands of a simple electronic device such as an alarm clock? I know I wouldn't.

Go to your local ER right now... also you live in Canada so it's free, heh.

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Yes it does sound like you have a mild concussion. You don't need any special medication other than some Advil/Ibuprophen. The symptoms of concussion are: headaches, blurred vision, nausea, problems with balance, light and sound sensitivity. It is OK to go to sleep as long as someone wakes you up every hour. If you don't have anyone with you have a friend (that you trust!!!) call you every hour. If you don't answer the phone he should call an ambulance.

Also, you should not play contact sports until your symptoms are complletely gone for 7-10 days. Any sooner you could end up like Lindros... :angry:

good luck!!

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I went last night to the ER. I have a very mild concussion but the doctor said I should be good to go in a week. Luckily I don't have hockey for a week so I won't even miss anything. Thanks for the help guys.

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If you have new onset of pupils that are not the same size, that is a late finding in closed head injuries (AKA close to brain herniation and death).. Don't wait for this to occur before seeking medical attention!!!!!!

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You know when you have a concussion if you're lying motionless face down on the ice. You skate to the bench with the help of a teammate and you just stumble into it. Afterwards, you're carried off by two teammates into the dressing room because you can't do it under your own power. Happened to me.

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