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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Game Day Disaster

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I have always skated on wheels that are the same size and never really was willing to try the different wheel setups. Well i got a new set of skate to replace my 10 yr old Bauers. That's right folks, my skates where 10 years old. I have always skated on 76mm soft Labeda gripper wheels. When i got the new skates I figured I would give the original wheels a shot. The setup was 72-72-80-78. I skateed like a slug in them. Today I'm changing all the wheels back to straight 76. Anyone else prefer this setup?

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its not going to work. its not flat chassis. If you put a 76mm were the 72 mm wheel is it will touch the outsole, and if you put a 76 were the 80 is it most likely wont touch the ground. Your options are really to buy an 80mm wheel of your choice and place it in the back so all 4 wheels contact the ground, otherwise you would have to buy a new chassis that accepts a straight wheel setup and get it mounted.

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its not going to work. its not flat chassis. If you put a 76mm were the 72 mm wheel is it will touch the outsole, and if you put a 76 were the 80 is it most likely wont touch the ground. Your options are really to buy an 80mm wheel of your choice and place it in the back so all 4 wheels contact the ground, otherwise you would have to buy a new chassis that accepts a straight wheel setup and get it mounted.

so you think do a 72-72-80-80?

i was lookin at it after the game I'm pretty sure I can squeeze the 76's in. the old skates had 72-72-80-80 and i put 76-76-76-76. I had to pound the "wheel well" in before and it fit. The older chasis had a "roof" which i had to bent to make room. haha

hey i just realized you're in Long Island. Do you play at skatesafe or sporttime or hotskates?

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What brand are your new skates?

From the funky wheel setup it sounds like Eastons maybe. If that's the case you can't throw an 80 on the back.

If your new skates are Missions (Hi-Lo setup, either 72-72-80-80 or 76-76-80-80) all 76's will not work.

Just stick with whatever setup is on the new skates.

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hey i just realized you're in Long Island. Do you play at skatesafe or sportime or hotskates?

What brand are your new skates?

From the funky wheel setup it sounds like Eastons maybe. If that's the case you can't throw an 80 on the back.

If your new skates are Missions (Hi-Lo setup, either 72-72-80-80 or 76-76-80-80) all 76's will not work.

Just stick with whatever setup is on the new skates.

Bauer Mega something i think 6050 maybe

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that setup im pretty sure is one up chassis on the nbh skates.

id say your best bet is to at least try skating with the 80mm for the back wheel and see how that works. if not you can try doing all 72's but theoretically it should'nt work though. the 2 76's in front could work if they dont touch the outsole but replacing an 80mm wheel with a 76mm will leave a 4mm gap between were the wheel is and were it should be. same goes for the back wheel except with back wheel it already has a 2mm gap stock because it allows for a rockered effect.

and I play at the sports arena and rapid fire arena for my high school team.

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Jdeezy, you have the one-up chassis, correct?

The design of skates and chassis has changed in the past 10 years. Most, outside of Tours and Sprungs and some smaller brands, aren't designed to have 4 of the same size wheel. The placements of the holes for the axles (I'm sure there's a technical term for this) are staggered slightly up or down to accomidate different size wheels, which according to manufacturers, will optimize their performance.

If you try changing the size of the wheels in various places, you'll most likely with wheels that rub to some degree, or wheels that end up not touching the ground.

I sort of remember some people putting 80s in the back spot on those. Try taking the 80 off of your left skate, and putting it where the 78 is on your right skate. Stand in both skates, and have someone check to see if all the wheels touch the ground and move properly. If it works, you'd have to buy 2 new 80mm wheels, but it would eliminate that rocker and might make you more comfortable. I think this was nike's way of working around mission having the patent on the hi-lo 72-72-80-80.

Lastly, don't forget that's you're changing lots technology after 10 years, not just the wheel alignment. It will take more than one outing to get used to having new skates. It's always helped me to go to stick-time with not many people, and just skate around and learn how to work the skates.

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OK guys, so I changed the setup on from 72-72-80-78 to 76-76-80-78 and the wheels went in fine with no rubbing issues. The 4 wheels lay almost flat on the ground (veryminimal rock). MUCH BETTER. I was able to skate just as fast as before and it felt good enough to wear to a game. Even scored a goal! lol

from now on 72's will never touch my skates.

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without changing where the axle mounts to the frame, that would sit the 76mm wheels 2mm lower than your 80 (and78) mm wheels..... seriously, either put 72's back on, or get yourself some diferent frames. I would suggest a set of sprung A6X frames (all 76mm wheels) and too add to your temptation to do this, i'll even buy your old frame that you remove

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haha.... skooled, you building a whole arsenal of chassis...

Somehow I just find it weird that you can fit the 76mm wheels into the one-up chassis.... unless you have a really large boot and large chassis. JDeezy, what size skate have you got?

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yeh, why not, something to do i guess....

I just tried 76mm on the front of a M and L oneup chassis, they would rub on the sole of the boot

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haha.... skooled, you building a whole arsenal of chassis...

Somehow I just find it weird that you can fit the 76mm wheels into the one-up chassis.... unless you have a really large boot and large chassis. JDeezy, what size skate have you got?

I wear a size 11. (pretty common size, no?)

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ok here's a couple pics. Again this is with 76-76-80-78

The four wheels lay almost evenly. I'm able to barley slide a credit card under the front wheel.



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