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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf dealers

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How many Graf dealers in your area offer the custom moldable Sidas foot beds with their top of the line skates?

General Sports in Edina offers this with with their "G" series and maybe a couple others as well. You'd think Graf would push this harder as a selling point. I bought my G70's for $550 and this included the foot bed customization. I cannot really think of a better deal to be honest with you.

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What I heard is that there are 16 GRAF dealers across the country with the SIDA machine. Not sure if that is accurate or not. You'd think they'd advertise it more especially since its included in the cost of the skate. Go figure.

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Wait they are always included w/ the price of the skates? I just got a pair of 703's yesterday and was told it would be $100.

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Not all the G series come with the Sidas. I tried on a few pairs the other day and the 735s had them and the G35 did not.

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I tried on a G70 and it had a regular footbed, I also tried a pair of 709 and they had a Sidas footbed that was like superfeet (not heat moldable). I got a set of the Sidas custom footbeds in order to try to make my Kor Shift2 skates work for my feet and they are a really nice addition to almost any skate.

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In anahiem they do come included in the price at the pro shop. But it may just be the G models I can't remember exactly what the salesman said. They do have the SIDAS machine there.

Ultimate Skate

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I tried on a G70 and it had a regular footbed, I also tried a pair of 709 and they had a Sidas footbed that was like superfeet (not heat moldable). I got a set of the Sidas custom footbeds in order to try to make my Kor Shift2 skates work for my feet and they are a really nice addition to almost any skate.

That has to be one hell of a nice fitting skate. A Kor2 and heat moldable insoles.

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I heard $800 I could ask again, but there does not seem to be a whole lot to it honestly.

I think it is the training and know-how that keeps dealers away from it. It could get expensive if you're time=money or if you spend too much time re-doing a screwed up foot bed. I've never had any issues and I've had them done twice. Once for my Vapor XXXXs which cost me $80 and the 2nd time which was part of my Graf skate purchase. I've got two pairs, I might throw one in a pair of shoes and see how that works

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Doesn't that machine cost the dealers serious bucks?

Yes the machine the cost the dealer quite a hefty sum well over a G note from what I recall, and that does not include the training seminar which graf holds annualy. Now the sidas step in foot bed comes free with the 700 Series skates, the custom sidas footbed (the grey one) comes free with G series skates depending on whether the dealer has the machine and for the stores that don't have the machine then the store won't get the footbed in the box of skates.

There is another sidas hockey footbed that is slightly stiffer as if you play alot of hockey then the standard custom sidas footbed will only last you a year to a year and a half tops based on personal experience. The other one which is quite abit stiffer and graf gears this towards the heavier set players for added support or those who have severe pronation/supination. The footbed is a great piece in my opinion and should be in most skates where the user is no longer growing for the reason that it feels incredibly comfortable when they are in your skates and they do give incredible support and are designed for a hockey skate and a skaters stride compared to footbeds you get made by your podiatrist which are designed for shoes and running.

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Ya, that footbed has the blue color on the bottom. I have that one and one that is all grey

There seem to be 2 different moldable foot beds

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I tried on a G70 and it had a regular footbed, I also tried a pair of 709 and they had a Sidas footbed that was like superfeet (not heat moldable). I got a set of the Sidas custom footbeds in order to try to make my Kor Shift2 skates work for my feet and they are a really nice addition to almost any skate.

That has to be one hell of a nice fitting skate. A Kor2 and heat moldable insoles.

They were a nice performing set-up. I had a problem where the carbon seam was on my right boot, it really irritated my (super flat) arch and I had to get rid of them. I had them baked a bunch of times but I could never stop the pain in that area. I did keep the sidas insoles and put them in my pro-stock Z-Airs.

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I know a lot of ski shops in my local area do custom Sidas footbeds. They use the same machine for them. If your LHS doesn't offer this service it's worth checking out the ski shops (if you have any in your area). The only thing is the Sidas footbeds offered by ski shops are geared for Ski boots and are thicker than the Skate footbeds.


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Does anyone know whether the custom Sidas footbeds would help with heel slippage?

If your heel is lifting inside the boot I don't think they will do much for you. The insoles will fit the bottom of your foot perfectly but they won't change the fit of your skates. If your skates are too wide or too long they won't take up the excess volume.

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I called a couple of places in the mid-atlantic area that had the custom footbed machine and they all charge you extra for baking the footbeds. Approximately, $100 extra. Presumably this is because the shops' paid about $1000 for the machine (so they are looking to recoup their investment) and few other shops have the machine at this time. This business scenario is like a MBA case study of a poorly-designed business strategy.

In other words, the shops want you to pay $570 + tax for Graf Ultras and an additional $100 for the custom footbeds = $700+ for Graf skates. From the shop's perspective, after 10 bakes the machine is paid for and the rest is pure profit. What self-interested business would not invest in the machine if they could rip people off like that? Sounds like a good strategy, right. Except, very few customers would fall for that. The result: customers are discouraged from buying Graf skates because they are being gauged by the shop owners. And many shops don't buy the machines because they know they can't get customers to pay those prices. And therefore the prices for baking the footbeds never come down.

Further note, the stores I called were the most recognizable Graf distributors, therefore they have every incentive to sell Graf skates.

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That is pretty sad. I paid a total of $550 after taxes for my new Graf skates with the custom sidas foot beds included at General Sports in Edina.

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That is pretty sad. I paid a total of $550 after taxes for my new Graf skates with the custom sidas foot beds included at General Sports in Edina.

Road trip.

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