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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Composite Freak

Anyone gone from Graf to Bauer one95 skates?

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Yeah I had to wear tape on my ankles for the 1st month(15 ice times). Now I have no pain or problems when going barefoot. When I had blisters, I used 2nd skin, than mole skin over that, than medical tape over that. It hurt a little bit, but nothing to bad.

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Thanks guys. I used some sort of bandage thing and some tape and some callus donut thing.

Hurt still but it will keep hurting until it can heal.

Wow, these skates are much better performers than my Graf's. Extremely stable and predictable and very responsive.

I now must buy the Total One's, or break into JR or DS's places and steal theirs.

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By the way, am I the only one that hates the laces that come with the One95's? I butchered my hand getting fitted at my LHS as I was trying to lace them quickly when they got out of the oven. It took a good chunk of skin on my pinky. Changed them to waxed laces but it just makes me wonder why they put such shitty laces on top of the line skates... but maybe it's just me, who knows.

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Last night was my first game witht he skates and all I can say is WOW!! Comfy, great performance and gave me that little extra jump, power and agility I need. Some pain for the first few minutes, a slight pressure point on the outside of my left ankle but everything got better as the game went on. All in all, they already feel much better than my 3 year old Grafs...

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Last night was my first game witht he skates and all I can say is WOW!! Comfy, great performance and gave me that little extra jump, power and agility I need. Some pain for the first few minutes, a slight pressure point on the outside of my left ankle but everything got better as the game went on. All in all, they already feel much better than my 3 year old Grafs...

Glad to hear you like them.

I agree, there is no comparison in performance between these and my G35's. The G35's are 2 years old but I don't remember getting the wow factor on the performance with those when they were new, like I am getting with these.

I don't know how I'm going to get that blister/rub mark to heal though as I'm on the ice every day, sometimes twice. I'd rather go through the pain than go back to my Graf's at this point.

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I dont think you should be having that issue if they fit as well as u say they do

I didn't say the fit was perfect, I said the performance is a big improvement over my Graf's.

I cannot blame the skates just yet for the fit issue because I bought them, baked them once, and wore them in a game that night. I have a bit of a small bone that sticks out just below my ankle bone (somewhat common and further exaggerated by broken ankles etc over the years).

This is where I got a bad blister that ended up tearing right through and bleeding that first time I wore them.

As mentioned, I am on the ice daily, sometimes twice with coaching rep hockey plus my own hockey.

It just isn't being given a chance to heal.

Everywhere else feels awesome.

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just went from g3's to 95's.. baked them once and had a game the next day.. the biggest thing is getting used to the bauers sitting back where as the grafs sit you on your toes.. my grafs had lightspeeds on em so i was good with that (didnt really notice the 2.1 blade) little pain in the outside arch on the left skate. second bake should do the trick, if not can always punch it... biggest thing is the weight diff and spring i get from the bauers. my grafs are 5 years old. i have always been quick, but the first 3 steps in the bauer WOW. any insole suggestions?? i had grey superfeet in my graf but they are beat up

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I was apprehending that difference in pitch too when I bought the one95 and thought I'd feel weird the first few shifts because I'd be sitting back instead of on my toes and it felt perfect right when I stepped on the ice. Seems like my style of skating fits better with Bauer than Graf. As for the insole, I had yellow superfeet in my Grafs but decided to skate with the Bauer insole first and try the superfeet after in the event that the Bauer insoles would give me problems. They actually worked great. With my Grafs, I used to have back pain after a half hour or less skating in them and the pain would last up to two to three days. Then I got the superfeet and the back pain was a thing of the past. With the One95's I'm getting similar results without the superfeet so I'll keep the Bauer insole for now and if things change I may try the superfeet. I may just transer the superfeet to my work shoes or something for now. From the experience of my first game, I don't think I'll need a second bake but we'll see.

Also, one of the differences for me is the heel lock which is wider and wraps around my heel much better than the narrower heel lock on the Grafs 625. Like I said, some of the downfalls on the Grafs are partly my fault as I had to tell the employee at my LHS if I liked the feel or not. They were better than anything I had before really but still not the best for me and they suited my budget for a decent skate and I didn't think I'd need anything better than that. Also, after trying the 9K around xmas time as they were on sale at that time, I felt more confortable in my Grafs and just thought I wouldn't find a skate that would fit me well to the point where I'd literally pretty much forget that I was wearing them. So when the One95s came on sale I wasn't going to even go try them on. Then I got the gift certificates and money for my birthday and just decided to give them a try... just in case. Boy am I happy I did lol

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I was apprehending that difference in pitch too when I bought the one95 and thought I'd feel weird the first few shifts because I'd be sitting back instead of on my toes and it felt perfect right when I stepped on the ice.

That was my biggest concern with changing from Graf's, I was concerned about the pitch.

The skating stance in the Bauer's was completely different than the Graf's, I was actually surprised how different it felt and I was expecting a difference.

However, I don't believe it was the pitch, I think it was a combination of a whole bunch of things.

I measured the height of the bottom part of the toe of the boot in the Graf's and Bauers and it was very close.

I also put the Graf on, marked a point on my calf and measured to the ground. Then I did the same with the Bauer, and it was extremely close.

I know JR and some others here have way more experience and knowledge about skates than I do so they can probably point out some ways in which I am not correct, but I honestly don't think the difference in pitch is large enough to be significant. Based on my measurements of the toe and then a point on my calf, it would seem they are close enough that a skate or two is going to be enough to readjust.

Just my opinion and observation anyways.

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there is something about the holders or the pitch or something for sure. I actually felt much more at ease on my skates wearing the Bauers than the Grafs. With the Grafs I often fealt uneasy. I didn't feel very solide on my skates. With the One95s it's the complete opposite. I feel stronger on my skates. It may be the boot of the skate, maybe the holders, the pitch who knows. Maybe it's just the skate as a whole. Either way, I'm just really happy with my purchase and really feel like they will help me change my game.

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I feel exactly the way hamstercaster does when I'm in Easton composite skates. I've tried every skate model on the market looking for the skate that is perfect for me. Nothing feels better than Eastons do. Although I currently own a pair of Graf 735's and have really nothing negative to say about them, I consistently find with the Eastons I just feel and perform so much better in my individual case. I'd never discourage anyone from looking at Grafs and still use mine on a regular basis but everyone knows instinctively what works for them. I firmly believe you need to go with your gut feeling about anything like this and ignore what works for others.

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For those going from Graf to One 95s, did you stay at the same size you were already wearing (assuming your Grafs fit correctly)? I have Graf 503s with custom+ holders at the moment. Considering picking up some One 75s from the monkey for $235. Also, for those who had Tuuks on their Grafs, how bad was the pitch difference considering the holders are basically the same?


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I'm willing to bet a lot of the uneasiness is because one was in improperly fitted skates. If you have a G5 or G70 foot, you're not going to skate very well in a G3.

I'm willing to bet a lot of the uneasiness is because one was in improperly fitted skates. If you have a G5 or G70 foot, you're not going to skate very well in a G3.

I'm willing to bet a lot of the uneasiness is because one was in improperly fitted skates. If you have a G5 or G70 foot, you're not going to skate very well in a G3.

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I wear a 10 in a Graf and after trying on One95's it seems a 9 would fit me best, although there weren't any left to try on. With a 9.5 it fit snug, however, there still seemed to be more room length wise. As anyone else went down a full size from their Graf size? I wear a shallow-fitting Graf. I find it old that a skate would be 2.5 sizes smaller that my shoe size..

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not exactly the same, but i went from 735s to easton s17s. the pitch is throwing me off a bit. i played a game tonight and didnt get really comfortable being neutral. itll come though. the s17s felt better than any new skate ive ever had though, fit wise.

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