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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm looking into making the switch to a visor from a cage.

I have been looking at the non-certified, are they any more protective then the certified? Are they any longer? My plan is to wear the visor close enough so that it just barely touches my nose to minimize the chance of a stick or anything getting up there, and I have a custom mouth guard so I should be good to go.

Checked out the bauer and oakley straight cuts a few times... they both seem to be relatively the same. Any recommendations? I figure I'm safe with either one.

Any feedback regarding certified and noncertified would be greatly appreciated.

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you are safe with either one. I use a non-certified Bauer RBE I and its a great visor. Longer in the length so it has a bit more safety to it. One of the main factors in Cert & non Cert is the fact if the visor is adjustable or not.

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I use the Oakley Pro-Vented Aviator. Its the visor with the most facial coverage in their line. Some may think its a fishbowl and too much, but oh well. If I didn't wear it, I'd wear a cage. I cut off the vents and drilled holes to mount on the side. Took 10 minutes. If you want to see how it looks its what Heatley wears.

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Since you're in Canada so you will not have an option between certified and non certified in the near future, unless the CSA has backed off. The certified visors cover more of your face and are larger, facial coverage is the primary difference between certified and non certified visors. As for having it close to your nose, that usually increases fogging.

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chadd, doesnt it have to attach to the centre-top of the helmet as well, cage style?

Not necessarily. Bauer/Itech has a visor that doesn't do that but is still certified, it doesn't adjust on the side however. Note on the non-cert visors that the connections to the side of the helmet is oblong so the visor can move in and out, the certified visor is simply just holes so it doesn't move when hit

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chadd, doesnt it have to attach to the centre-top of the helmet as well, cage style?

Not necessarily. Bauer/Itech has a visor that doesn't do that but is still certified, it doesn't adjust on the side however. Note on the non-cert visors that the connections to the side of the helmet is oblong so the visor can move in and out, the certified visor is simply just holes so it doesn't move when hit

I recall those from the catalogs, never actually ordered or seen one of them.

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Thanks guys for your help.

We still have a few places up here that have Bauer non-certs, so I'm not concerned about that.

I'm from Ottawa so I know what the Heatley fishbowl looks like, I wouldn't be caught dead in that lol.

From what the majority of you say (correct me if I'm wrong) is that the non-certs are fine, and I take it that if I'm going to get a stick or puck in the beak or the chops then I'm going to get it regardless of the visor.

Thanks again.

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I use the Oakley Pro-Vented Aviator. Its the visor with the most facial coverage in their line. Some may think its a fishbowl and too much, but oh well. If I didn't wear it, I'd wear a cage. I cut off the vents and drilled holes to mount on the side. Took 10 minutes. If you want to see how it looks its what Heatley wears.

Hey can you throw up a link to a store? Hockeymonkey sells oakley but not sure on what model.

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Here ya' go. Its the Oakley Pro-Aviator VR910. As I mentioned if you want to use the Oakley mounting kit for the side you have to buy that seperately and drill the extra hole on the side. I went further and cut the top vents off so mine is mounted strictly by the side mounts. Took 10-15 minutes and a cheapo dremel type tool.

Oakley VR910

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Can anyone help me with sizin for this visor?

If my helmet is a medium - get a medium Oakley visor?

Medium is like Jr sizing. If you have an adult medium helmet get the large Oakley visor. I wear a medium adult helmet and the large visor fits perfect. Hope that helps.

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Medium is like Jr sizing. If you have an adult medium helmet get the large Oakley visor. I wear a medium adult helmet and the large visor fits perfect. Hope that helps.

Brilliant big chap

Cheers for the help

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no problem. FYI, you can mount the helmet with the included kit. If you decide to cut the vents off and mount it by the side mounting holes your going to need to buy the Oakley spacer kit.

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This is what my search turned up. I've worn a full cage ever since going face first into the dasher. I've wanted to ditch the cage for some time, but don't want to give up all that protection. These are the four models I am considering.

Oakley 2.0

Oakley Pro Aviator

Itech Deluxe x100

Itech HS22 Pro Wave

I'm looking for a good mix of protection and optical clarity. My LHS doesn't stock any of these so I really have no clue when they look like in person. It's going on a CCM 652 helmet if that matters.

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