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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Da Beez

U+ Pro Reloaded - outsole cracked

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I have a couple of questions for people that have put some time into the Pro Reloaded skate or sold them. I have had mine for about 3 weeks and used them for about 14 hours between shinny and public skating. On the past monday I took a shot on the outside of my left foot. It didn't hurt or injure my foot but it was a hard shot. When I got home I checked the skate and I noticed the outsole had cracked in the area where the puck hit it (near my little toe). It is small and it isn't through to the rivet so I'm not overly concerned unless it grows in size. Do any other U+ Pro reloaded users have cracks on the skate's outsole? Can any LHS staff comment on the durability of the Reloaded skate?

The other question I have concerns baking the skate. My LHS baked the skate according to the temperature sticker that came with the skate. The skate fits well but it doesn't seem as though the foam or the boot really molded around my foot. If I got them to heat the boots for longer (ignoring the sticker) would I get the foam to mold more exactly to my ankles? At this point the foam around my ankles doesn't look a lot different than it did prior to baking the skates - it doesn't look as though my ankle bones have made indentations into the foam. I am happy with the fit but if it could be better by heating it longer I would bake them again.

The U+ Reloaded isn't that common with the guys I play with or at the shop I got it from so your help and comments would be appreciated.


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My u+ have had a crack for a while on the outsole. It's nothing to worry about. I would recommend baking a second time, I plan on doing the same soon.

Thanks for the info

do a search, there is alot about baking U+ Pro Reloaded skates for longer periods.

I searched and I was aware that people baked them for longer periods, I didn't recall anyone saying if it made the foam around the ankles look different.

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Definitely bake them again at the PROPER time and temp. You can do this many times. Curious, did you get fitted in the FIT machine? This is really needed for these skates.

I haven't seen any crack yet like your but... FWIW most skates will incur some damage from real hard shots. That's part of the game. If you're concerned, they are only a few weeks old and under warranty.

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Definitely bake them again at the PROPER time and temp. You can do this many times. Curious, did you get fitted in the FIT machine? This is really needed for these skates.

I haven't seen any crack yet like your but... FWIW most skates will incur some damage from real hard shots. That's part of the game. If you're concerned, they are only a few weeks old and under warranty.

7 minutes @ 180 is the proper time and temperature?

The crack won't bother me too much as long as it doesn't get bigger.

Thank you for your feedback.

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Same, 7 minutes in a Bauer oven at 200 twice did the trick. Skates molded well on right, still not 100% on left (guess which foot I tied second?).

You took a shot off your skate. That kind of impact and force can crack the outsole. Sucks...but you gotta live with that. Took a skate blade on the quarter of my right skate and it saved a dime size amount of Surlyn off...meh, hockey is rough

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At least don't bitch to proshop employees when you mess them up...

That is priceless! I want to complain to your manager and tell him how much of an idiot I am! How could you not warn me that this would happen! I am never shopping here again!

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That's awesome...do those grill marks make you skate 3% faster?

I guess the only real at home oven I would use would be one is a convection oven (the one with a fan to circulate heat)...I still wouldn't recommend using an oven at home though...but if you're in a bind, guess you don't have any options with the U+

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