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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken Fibula

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I hit the ice for the first time at a practice. Any key tips I need to keep in mind before I go out and skate/stickhandle/shoot some?

I'd take it easy. Lay off on the explosive starts/stops kind of thing or quick transitions until the 2nd or 3rd ice time. Go easy on the scrimmages, if anything feels awkward or bad, I'd go off. It'll probably feel really weird. Good luck though!

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I recall when I came back from a similar injury that it took 3 ice times to get the ability to balance on 1 skate back. Then it took another 2 ice times to get the strength back for stops, crossovers, and tight turns.

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I took it pretty easy last night. Did about 15-20mins of skating/shooting/ some 2 on 1s. Couldn't do much turning 1)due to the ankle not being strong enough 2) got my skates sharpened and the guy butchered the sharpening.

The foot is still somewhat sore today, but not as bad as i thought it would be.

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Just played my first game in 5 months after my tib/fib break. Overall I was very happy, little hesitant and the hands are moving faster than the feet. But no pain or soreness.

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Nice to hear that. My foot has been the culprit of being sore day in day out. I've neglected the band exercises the last couple of days thoough, I'm wonder if that's why.

I skate again this Saturday. A friend of mine is renting out the ice so I'll be free to work on turning and skating in general. I got my skates resharpened, FBV 5/8th equivalent.

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similar incident the other day, not really a breakaway, but got the puck and going full tilt I tried to roof the puck, lost my footing and slid into the boards. I guess in inline you do slow down a little before hitting the boards, but the thought of injury did cross my mind along with a few choice words. Didnt score, but no injury :)

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So 8 weeks ago I was going to make a cut near the benches at full speed, and I just felt my feet go out, and the one thing I caught as I went into the boards was my foot violently contorting as I hit the boards. When I came to a stop, I looked down and expected to see my foot pointing backwards, but it looked relatively ok. Hurt like hell but looked fine, so one of the guys helped me off the ice and I put my foot up for about an hour before I took my skate off thinking it was just a bad sprain. I went to Target afterwards and did some food shopping before I went home and put the foot up some more. next morning I couldn't even move it so I called out of work and went to the ER for X-rays and found that I broke the Fibula pretty good and chipped the Tib, both at the ankle. I broke the Fib from the bottom of the bone up at a diagonal and it moved a little bit. opted out of surgery as the doc and I agreed the only added benefit was maybe a few weeks of recovery time.

8 weeks later and i'm still in the hard cast with 2 weeks left before I go back to the doc's for the 5th time to see how it's going. I didn't realize how bad it was until he said last time that it's still pretty broken. He said that I will hopefully be in a fracture walker in 2 weeks, and I'll be in that for a month or so. I'm looking probably at another 2-3 months at least before I can hit the ice again, which is killing me. I need new skates as I did a number on the one I was wearing. I saw one of the guys I skate with a few weeks later and he told me I took out a decent sized chunk of ice right down to the concrete. It was a humid night, and I knew going in the ice was soft, but that really sucked.

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sorry to hear about this. Interesting that you opted out of the surgery though. Good luck to your recovery though. I'm hopefully going to be back playing in a beginner's league for half a season just to get everything back down, that is if they let me.

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I would have taken the surgery.

But maybe that's because your recovery time seems way slower than mine with the surgery.

I had a tib/fib break on 1/27; splint for 2 weeks, cast for 3 weeks, boot for the remainder 7 weeks. Came out of the boot able to walk fine and continued physical therapy. Started playing again June 14.

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I would have taken the surgery.

But maybe that's because your recovery time seems way slower than mine with the surgery.

I had a tib/fib break on 1/27; splint for 2 weeks, cast for 3 weeks, boot for the remainder 7 weeks. Came out of the boot able to walk fine and continued physical therapy. Started playing again June 14.

I think the big thing it would have done is it would have allowed me to bear weight on that leg earlier. I think they would have been broken the same length of time, but it would have stabilized it. After I had a bad experience with wrist surgery a few years ago, I just wanted to go Au Naturale on this one. It blows not being able to play, and day to day activities are needlessly more difficult, but in the long run I'm 22 and its a blip on the radar. plus the cast is a chick magnet.

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Played my first game back in a league one level up from the beginner league...I was waay behind the play on many occasion. Guess it will take time for me to gain the "skating muscles" back and be confident on my skates again. But man was it great to play again!!!

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at least it's removable. it is friggin heavy though.

How's the leg feeling now? Doc said I could probably be playing hockey again by halloween, which was the date I set in my mind a while ago, but when can I expect to feel relatively normal again?


big circle is the fib crack and the small circle is the chip in the tib.

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Id say Im probably 95-100%% most days. I can do everything before, but there are times where I hit something the right way just to cause a little soreness. Mainly it's while playing hockey or something non uneven terrain.

Just keep up with physical therapy, if you're doing it. It helps leaps and bounds.

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Best of luck on a speedy recovery...listen to the docs though, from someone who didnt. the week or two you may get out early isnt worth the pain later

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back and better than I was before the injury. If I stay away from White Castles the day before a skate I'm fine!

Seriously though my on ice vision and stick handling is a lot better than it was before I got hurt. My shooting mechanics are a lot better since I basically reset my muscle memory. Most importantly though, I appreciate playing a hell of a lot more than I did before I want to get better and catch the level of some of the guys I play with.

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back and better than I was before the injury. If I stay away from White Castles the day before a skate I'm fine!

Seriously though my on ice vision and stick handling is a lot better than it was before I got hurt. My shooting mechanics are a lot better since I basically reset my muscle memory. Most importantly though, I appreciate playing a hell of a lot more than I did before I want to get better and catch the level of some of the guys I play with.

White Castles = Krystal's in the South.

Yeah, I'm with you, I def appreciate it more and put forth more effort in every shift than what I used to.

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White Castles = Krystal's in the South.

Yeah, I'm with you, I def appreciate it more and put forth more effort in every shift than what I used to.

someone brought a crave case back to the hotel during SJ and they stayed with me through the demo and skate the next day!

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How did you do that?

During a game. I just remember falling and hearing a snap. Thought it was my stick that I landed on breaking. I didn't know it was my leg until I went to push off of it to get up.

THEN the pain started to creep in after I realized what was going on.

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