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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wanna see inside an Easton Octane?

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I've probably seen the inside of more Octanes than any other stick. Lots of cheap people around here.

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if you take a pair of scissors, any kind of scissors, you can cut down the side an octane/s3/ultra carbon shaft. It's quite hilarious. But thats what you should expect from an extruded fiberglass shaft.

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Never seen a stick split open quite like that before. How did it happen?

I'm not sure how it happened. I didn't even notice it until after I got home from a game, where it was met with a mix of "Oh, crap!" and "Oooooh, what's inside?"

Guess it's back to the Hespeler shaft and junior Synergy. We had a good run together. Not the best stick out there, but it definitely got the job done.

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One of the leading scorers on our team has been an Octane guy. Had them for a couple years and broke last year, then bought a pair of S5's with the wood blades (same thing). He hadn't even replaced the old wood blades either...doesn't matter though, he still scores.

Every time I try and flex one of those, it makes a cracking sound, like it's about to snap. Feel so cheap and flimsy.

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hahah used one of these puppies last year. Got hit from behind and heard a crunch, thought oh shit, I think I just broke my wrist. However I had no pian. I got up and noticed that the ref wasn't calling anything. I went to smack it against the crossbar and "SNAP" the whole thing flew off from about 3 inches down from the butt. It flew across the ice... I sat for 10 minutes after that... lol

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Was never a fan of the early composite easton sticks/shafts. Only started liking them around the first gen Stealths.

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Crazy thing is my dad found it and decided to gorilla glue it together and clamp it overnight. Safe? Probably not. I used it twice for warm ups and also for a bit of game action when the tape ripped on my main stick. With my limited skills, it felt pretty much the same, but I'd rather it stay on the bench as a backup.

You can't see it, but the wooden blade has also started to crap out and crack along the bottom. Fun times all around.

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