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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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some have had problems with hg shipping to canada though

What kind of problems? Ive been tempted to order a couple things from them.

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They don't use usps, so there might be hidden fees

No that isn't the reason why...

What kind of problems? Ive been tempted to order a couple things from them.

They - like just about all other sellers in the U.S. - are not permitted to ship most big name hockey stuff to Canada because we have a completely different demand/price in Canada. Here's the letter they emailed me:

Dear Customer,

Please note that the following shipment restrictions have been placed by manufacturers:

Nothing can ship outside of the US for:

2010 Mission-Itech (Also requires a US billing address)

Nike-Bauer (Also requires a US billing address)



Only Licensed Apparel (has a NHL logo on it) can ship outside of the US for:


Okay to ship everywhere:







These are policies put forth by the companies that we must follow. Please note that this also includes not shipping to freight forwarding companies. I do apologize but due to these policies there are item(s) on your order that I can not ship to you. We can ship the above manufacturers only to addresses within the USA.

We Canadians get screwed on 90% of the deals in this thread.

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Seems like were getting screwed to me. Why is there such a big cost difference between canada and usa?

Demand. There are a gazillion times more people who play hockey per capita in Canada than in the U.S. - so the demand for equipment is way higher.

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Just seems like a pain in the ass for you guys for the stuff that they CAN ship to you.

If the cost of the product + duty + shipping from the U.S. is lower than the CDN price, then it's still a good deal. ;)

In reality, I can't remember the last time I paid duty for anything I shipped in from the U.S. I just got a Shock Doctor neck guard shipped from IWH in the U.S. and paid no extra fees.

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Demand. There are a gazillion times more people who play hockey per capita in Canada than in the U.S. - so the demand for equipment is way higher.

So because alot of us play hockey we get screwed on equipement costs. Seemes kinda stupid to me.

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Seems like were getting screwed to me. Why is there such a big cost difference between canada and usa?

Yeah and you get screwed over every time a store gives an employee discount. :angry: You aren't entitled to be able to take advantage of a sale, therefor you aren't being screwed.

The cost of gear, just like everything in Canada is higher... because of your government. Taxes, duties, etc. It cost more to bring product into the country, it costs more to run a business... so you have to charge more to stay in business. I'm still astonished how Canadians think they get free health care and try to rub it in US resident's faces. The money has to come from somewhere.

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If the cost of the product + duty + shipping from the U.S. is lower than the CDN price, then it's still a good deal. ;)

In reality, I can't remember the last time I paid duty for anything I shipped in from the U.S. I just got a Shock Doctor neck guard shipped from IWH in the U.S. and paid no extra fees.

I guess you should consider yourself lucky then haha. I've heard some horror stories about ups and fedex shipping across the boarder lol

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not sure why retailers in the U.S. have some sort of compulsion to ship only UPS (or sometimes only FedEx). works out okay if you aren't shipping across a border, but if you are in a different country prepared to be royally screwed with insane "brokerage fees" - i think they are called that because they are designed to make you broke :D .

do many u.s. stores have some sort of contract with UPS?

is shipping UPS that much easier for them?

is shipping USPS that much more of a hassle for them?

i am a bit curious for the reason(s).

i have been lucky with a few U.S. online retailers that had only UPS shipping on their site, who when i phoned them said can ship USPS (which i will gladly paid a few dollars more for).

you may on occasion, get a small ($5??) brokerage fee plus some taxes when getting shipped by usps to canada, or just as often not get charged anything at all.

twice in my life, quite a while back, have been charged insane "brokerage fees" by UPS - one for more than twice the value of the items shipped - never again.

in conclusion, many of those in canada who have dealt with UPS from the states will call UPS something that is brown, but i don't think UPS will every use that in their advertising.

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I'd say they have services with UPS/FedEx/DHL but also the USPS has gotten pretty strict on their international shipping. I tried to ship sticks to Dublin to a cousin and was told they were over the size allowed. They referred me to FedEx or UPS instead.

They don't just screw over Canadians or other international people with that. Hockey Monkey is UPS only and to get a blade it usually starts at $25 shipping to where I live. Good companies (IW especially) will ship USPS, at least domestically.

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