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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Sticks being recalled

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What do you guys think about prices of future products from Bauer? I assume prices will go up a bit to cover costs of this recall...

I don't think prices will suffer at all and continue to increase and adjust normally. Remember, Bauer has to price their sticks to the competition. Also, most good companies will have reserve funds for matters like this since virtually every single company has recalls no matter how good and well reputable they are.

BTW if anyone wants to talk about lead, talk to me I shoot olympic rifle and I have made and use lead bullets since i was 15. The only way your kid will get lead poisoning is by eating the paint, it will not seep into your hands. Furthermore, I don't believe that there is even that much lead in the paint (i read all the posts and if i missed the amount if stated my bad) to even cause alarm or pose a real danger but a recall is always cheaper than a class action lawsuit :D

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I don't think prices will suffer at all and continue to increase and adjust normally. Remember, Bauer has to price their sticks to the competition. Also, most good companies will have reserve funds for matters like this since virtually every single company has recalls no matter how good and well reputable they are.

BTW if anyone wants to talk about lead, talk to me I shoot olympic rifle and I have made and use lead bullets since i was 15. The only way your kid will get lead poisoning is by eating the paint, it will not seep into your hands. Furthermore, I don't believe that there is even that much lead in the paint (i read all the posts and if i missed the amount if stated my bad) to even cause alarm or pose a real danger but a recall is always cheaper than a class action lawsuit :D

I told my aunt that she didn't need to send in my cousins one90, but she insisted lol. He got his one95 today. Still waiting to see if my other cousin gets a stick for his blade that wasn't even being recalled.........

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I don't think prices will suffer at all and continue to increase and adjust normally. Remember, Bauer has to price their sticks to the competition. Also, most good companies will have reserve funds for matters like this since virtually every single company has recalls no matter how good and well reputable they are.

BTW if anyone wants to talk about lead, talk to me I shoot olympic rifle and I have made and use lead bullets since i was 15. The only way your kid will get lead poisoning is by eating the paint, it will not seep into your hands. Furthermore, I don't believe that there is even that much lead in the paint (i read all the posts and if i missed the amount if stated my bad) to even cause alarm or pose a real danger but a recall is always cheaper than a class action lawsuit :D

People are miserable fucks. If Bauer had offered something like a ShaftSaver wrap to cover the sticks, the problem would have been ignored. However they offer up a new top of the line stick and all the sudden people worry about acute lead poisoning and lead leeching.

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People are miserable fucks. If Bauer had offered something like a ShaftSaver wrap to cover the sticks, the problem would have been ignored. However they offer up a new top of the line stick and all the sudden people worry about acute lead poisoning and lead leeching.

Always fun removing lead paint in foreclosed housing. There's some crazy fines if you don't remove it even if you don't know it's there.

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Annoys me to see people selling 3 or 4 X:60s that happen to be brand new and happen to be Left and Right curves for $150+.

Gee whiz.... where did you get those?! ....... :blink:

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Annoys me to see people selling 3 or 4 X:60s that happen to be brand new and happen to be Left and Right curves for $150+.

Gee whiz.... where did you get those?! ....... :blink:

mr.onepiece hahaha. I think he might get them from his ushl team. He would have to have a ton of junior sticks

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Annoys me to see people selling 3 or 4 X:60s that happen to be brand new and happen to be Left and Right curves for $150+.

Gee whiz.... where did you get those?! ....... :blink:

Wait do you mean they are selling them for $150 and they have 3 or 4 of them


They are selling 3 or 4 for $150?

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The first one.

by the way, not pointing that guy out in specific. In general though. I bet some people made some serious money off this recall.

I know, just the first person who popped in my head when you were talking about people selling multiple x60s in left and right lol

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Sounds like theres alot of saints on this website. Someone tells me i can return a cheap low-end stick for an expensive top of the line one, Im sure as hell sending that stick back. Dont think that makes anyone a bad person. Besides, part of this is bauers own fault. They are letting people return junior, and intermediate sticks, for senior ones. You get rid of that factor, and half their troubles are gone. If apple had faulty wires in their cheapest macbook, and had a recall to send out new ones, they wouldnt mail you a 17 inch macbook pro, theyd send you the current equvilent of what you bought. All the people trying to beat the system are people that dont actually have kids that use junior sticks. And like someone said earlier, recalls happen to save companies images, and because they are cheaper than class action suits; not because bauer cares about a little lead rubbing off on little tommy. So next time, you have the option to scam the big guys, dont get so sentimental. That said, I use almost exclusively bauer/nike bauer equipment because I like the products they make, so please dont take this as my rant on bauer, but how I see the whole industry. Shit happens, deal with it and move on.

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