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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nylon Sande 980s

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Those blue ones are awesome looking, I am really thinking of getting them rather than the CP95's I was looking at. Do you really think that the trigger finger affects your game?

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Personally, I thought the trigger finger was terrific. I just didn't like the gloves around it. I also think the Sandes are a little overpriced for what you get especially considering the service issues people have had with them.

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Sorry, but you'll soon find out white nylon gets scuffed/marked WAY more than leather or synthetic leather.  You will find that they are freakin puck/tape/dirt/dust/stain MAGNETS.  It's the only thing I don't like about both pair of my mission nylon gloves is that the white nylon gets dirty fast.

I have yet to find anything that really gets the stains out of white nylon. I've tried shout/detergent/etc but nothing really gets it out.  Only drawback of nylon (white anyway).

PS those gloves look GREAT

Really? I heard on the old board that nylon was much more durable towards scuffs/cuts and not as much puck marks either. I knew there was no way around the stains and stuff though...

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Really? I heard on the old board that nylon was much more durable towards scuffs/cuts and not as much puck marks either. I knew there was no way around the stains and stuff though...

Cuts = yes

dirt/puckmarks = no

It really depends on the color though... white it's just more evident. White synth leather marks up too, but not as bad as nylon. If you've got a black nylon glove you won't see any of the marks/dirt and the nylon doesn't scuff like leather.. it doesn't have a first "layer" to peel like the synth leather/real leather does. But synth/real leather doesn't absorb puckmarks/dirt, you can just wipe it clean whereas nylon it's next to impossible to get it off.

At any rate, there are drawbacks to both. Nylon is a better material in my mind, but not for cosmetic reasons. Especially white.

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If I had known that before I ordered them, I would have gotten regular leather...

my nylons are fine

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Why don't companies offer Top-end gloves in Nylon? It seems most of the Pro's use them, I'd definately like to try out a pair. It seems kind've odd that a company wouldn't produce them at a retail level.

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TPS Cable Knit HGT

Hespeler Classic Lite

I remember when I played on a Bauer-sponsored team and some teammates refused to accept the gloves b/c they were knit.

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Still, thats pretty sweet. Good job!

I want to play CIS so bad. When my highschool team had a tourny at St. Mike's college, there were some Canadian U scouts there, it was pretty sweet, I was the only grade 9, I played good too, got some comments from other coaches.

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The only way that you can play CIS is if you play in the Junior first. One of my friends only played junior a and he is always getting benched so.

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If I had known that before I ordered them, I would have gotten regular leather...

my nylons are fine

Yours aren't white though.

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Used them for the first time today. They felt a little big at first because they are longer than my old gloves and they have much more room in them. I felt like some people feel about Eagles, that they're "swimming" in them, and I didn't like that much, but it wasn't terrible either. I thought these would be a tighter fit than they are. I can't comment on the Trigger Finger yet because it seemed like I need to break it in more and get used to it more before I say something good or bad about it. Nothing got noticeably dirty either, so that's good.

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