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Z-Shock Helmet & Hejduk Visor

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I have a question for anybody out there who's used the new S19 'Z-Shock' helmet or a Hejduk visor.

I bought one of each over the weekend at the hockey expo, took them home and tried to mate them.

It went...poorly. Mounting holes on the shield didn't quite want to line up with the receivers on the helmet's side. Between the stiffness of the visor and the absolute inflexibility of the S19 helmet, getting all 4 screws to lie flush (and thus tighten the visor enough to lock it in place) seemed like mission impossible.

And then, on a side note, I was loosening one screw to readjust a bit, and it got 99% of the way out of the receiver and then stuck. I kept unscrewing and it kept turning - not stripping - but didn't come out. After a minute I took a closer look, and the entire little round receiver was pulling straight OUT of the side of the helmet, forming a weird little bulge. Since only the tip of the screw was stuck I tried to wiggle it carefully loose with my fingers...and the little round receiver popped clean out the side of my new $170 helmet. ARGH.

I contacted Easton, and was basically told "well THAT shouldn't happen." So the good news is it sounds like a warranty exchange should be no problem. The bad news is that I had to buy the helmet at the expo because I wear an XL and L is the biggest size in the initial shipment of helmets. So the store that sold it to me, via Easton, at the expo, doesn't have anything to exchange it FOR.

So now the store contacted their Easton rep, he's going to try to secure a black XL from their pro/college stock and slip it into their shipment of gear next week, and then I'll be able to go out and do the exchange. Seriously considering having THEM try to mount something on the damn thing. I'm already hearing mutterings that the S19 is notorious for being a pain to mount stuff on, although I have to believe this helmet had a bad receiver, or a faulty shell for that thing to just pull clean out of the helmet with so little effort.

Anyway, I guess my question is twofold: Has anyone who mounted a Hejduk visor had any problems, or are they pretty comparable normally to an Oakley or Bauer/Itech visor?

And secondly, has anyone else bought the new Easton helmet and, if so, do you have any tips for mounting a visor on it without incident? I'd give real money to talk to an NHL equipment manager to find out their secret for putting a half shield on that thing.

I'm not sure if a faulty helmet is to blame, if it has anything to do with the helmet quickly becoming notoriously hard to work with, or if the Hejduk visors mount funny, or all of the above. I guess my first priority is, once I do get the replacement Z-Shock, should I try to mount the Hejduk again, my Bauer DX shield, something else, and has anyone found a reliable method FOR mounting something on the S19?

Please help.

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I thought the stories sounded familiar...

Perhaps if the holes on the Hejduk don't line up it'd be best to drill new ones? Modifying the visor will be way easier then modifying the helmet.

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I actually did post in that thread, commenting on the problem I had mounting the visor, and how the helmet broke. I didn't get any reply, so I thought I might have more luck starting a new topic asking for advice from either people who have succesfully mounted a visor on the S19 or people who have had some luck mounting the Hejduk visor.

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I wonder about these S19's. I held up a 9500 cage to one in the store and it didn't look like it would line up without some bending.

Icewarehouse says it is "Compatible with most face cages and shields/visors ". Not so sure about that.

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Didn't he ask if someone had mounted the hejduk visor on ANY helmet?

I guess I was asking for advice / wondering what luck other people had had with EITHER. Trying to figure out if I just got a bad helmet, if the helmet is simply THAT hard to work with the way it's designed, or if anyone has had trouble or not putting a Hejduk visor on whatever.

I'd love to find out how the NHL equipment managers are getting visors mounted on those Z-Shocks.

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Probably by whatever means necessary. I'm sure they played around with one or two until they found away, and if they destroyed one or two in the process it probably isn't a big deal to them.

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