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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sock fibers sticking to skate tongue

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I wear my shin guards over my tongue so the tongue of the skate is in direct contact with my socks. I noticed that there are a lot of clumps of sock fibers that are sticking to it. While it doesn't affect performance, I am just curious to see if anyone else is experiencing this.

If it helps, I have the Bauer X:40 skates just to give some indication as to what kind of tongue I have.

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You could try using one of those fuzz eater things to clean them off. Other than that, it's pick them off with your fingers or just don't worry about it.

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Why is the bad guy from Rush Hour upset over lint on his skate tongue? I don't even remember a hockey scene in the movie.

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Just get some better skate socks. You don't mention what kind of socks you are using but I bet they are cheap.

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I use high quality skating socks and this happens to me too...never really concerned me at all though...I just pick off the balls each time.

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It's not the socks, its the fibers on the tongue. I think it happens to most bauer skates (if not all skates). I might pick one or two off but usually just don't worry about it.

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I think it's a tie between this thread and the Warrior 666 thread for most ruhtarded thread...

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