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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rangers-Islanders 3D

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I get 3D when the content is being created specifically with 3D in mind. Avatar, IMAX, PIXAR Animation stuff...fine - that makes sense.

But, I fail to see how 3D will make sports on TV better. I think it will be annoying.

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One of my girlfriend's girlfriend was doing a project for MSG network and scored tickets to the game. She's not a hockey fan AT ALL, but said it was absolutely incredible. According to her, everything is always in focus and you don't feel like you are watching 3-d, but actually like sitting rinkside.

I told her if she doesn't get ME tickets to the next one, we are no longer on speaking terms!! :lol:

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I'm pissed. I'm a big audio/video guy and I can't see 3d(at least I'm about 99% sure). I don't have binocular vision. They say it's possible to do excercises to correct this but I haven't looked into it- it doesn't sound too probable. I hope it is though or I'm going to be missing out for the rest of my life!

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