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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's the longest you've gone...

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What's the longest period of time you've gone with an OPC before it broke? Make sure to give what model stick you were using as well as the frequency of use.

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My current Vapor XX 87 flex. I've had it since march and I play at least 2-3 times a week, sometimes more. I had a 100 Flex Si-Core last only 3 weeks and an M-1 85 flex last 2 months.

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What's the longest period of time you've gone with an OPC before it broke? Make sure to give what model stick you were using as well as the frequency of use.

Synergies..less than a month..inline hockey..playing/practicing 3-4 times per week. We had some better success using the shaft from the broken stick with a blade, and maybe got 6 weeks out of this combo on one occasion. Two weekends ago..my son broke a new Tour Beemer OPS (slash), the shaft(cracked at the open blade end) on a cut down Synergy OPS conversion to a two piece, and the blade on a new Vector OPS(one timer) all in warm ups and before half time in his first game of the season.

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um, thats a good question, um int synergy (6 times a week)(old 2002 model? Ztac coating) 4 Months and an Xn-10, the current model, 4 1/2 months. although it was purchased from a shady source :ph34r: so i can't gurante it was an actual retail model

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i had a synergy grip last year that went for about 4 months or so. got an inno 1100 shaft this year after hearing about innos reputation for quality and durability, and had it break in less than a month...first game in fact

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My tri flex gold went for the whole last half of my season last year (on ice 3 times a week) and all of my summer hockey and its still in awsome condition, I use my L2 now, but my TFG is still perfect.

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I still have my first generation Synergy. I used it 3-4 times a week for over a year and its still in pretty good shape. However, my shot wasn't nearly what it is now, and I was really easy on it.

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About 2 months of regular use with my Vector, then got another 2 weeks for roller hockey as well.

Xn10 and 1100 each about a month (but used ALOT and against higher levels), Synergys 2 weeks on average, M-1's varied topped out at a month, Laser 44 days, XX about a month with very little use. Response (old) a week.

Now that I'm a bum, I don't really every break them, it's all shoot arounds and non-contact rec leagues.

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I still have my first generation Synergy. I used it 3-4 times a week for over a year and its still in pretty good shape. However, my shot wasn't nearly what it is now, and I was really easy on it.


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...Three of the four Innovative True-1s I bought back in April are still going strong. After an entire summer and almost two months of this season, on the ice four-to-six times a week, I would say that's pretty damn good.

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I've used my XN10's for months playing 2-4 times a week. I've actually never broken a shaft and the only OPS blade I broke was because I got it wedged between my stomach and the boards. Granted I don't have much of a shot and mainly take wristers but OPS have been very durable for me.

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Synergy grip lasted me 60 games roughly, playing 6-8 times a week. 2003 model by the way. Broke the blade by slashing the glass after I got scored on... :( . So, that was definetely a solid stick.

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I always sell my sticks before I break them. Only graphite stick I've broken is the Z-Bubble Grip. I've been really, really easy on sticks since I broke that too because I never take slap shots anymore (practice or game) because they aren't used enough in games for me to have a good reason to practice them a lot.

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7-8 months with the original (yellow) int. Response OPS playing 3 times/week pickup hockey (ice). The blade went soft pretty fast and I had to baby it (no slap shots or snap shots) so it wouldn't die in a month or two. I had used a few OPS afterwards, but not for more than a few months each, changed sticks for curve/flex reasons, etc.

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18 months playing bantam and varsity and 10 aaa tourney's in canada....well over a100 games plus practices all with the same INNO 1100 260 flex 0 shaft shape , on my 4 th inno blade........love this shaft

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I still have my first generation Synergy. I used it 3-4 times a week for over a year and its still in pretty good shape. However, my shot wasn't nearly what it is now, and I was really easy on it.

check and see if the blade isn't beginning to crack along the bottom..that's usually what happens when it feels like it has gone soft.

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