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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gaborik Curve?

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The closest thing I have found is the Warrior Kovalchuk.

I think Warrior's lies are different than Easton because lining up my Kovy next to my Gaborik they are very close.

Further Warrior now lists the Kovy as a 4 lie, it was a 5 in previous years. But side by side they look the same.

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Rep told me that the Gaborik curve, along with the Chara is being released in the S19, Chara is definently not replacing the Gaborik as it is still alive.

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Yes, the Cammalleri (formerly Shanahan) is in stores now in the SE16. I've seen it firsthand.

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Yes, the Cammalleri (formerly Shanahan) is in stores now in the SE16. I've seen it firsthand.

what hockey stores. I used this pattern for a long time before it was discontinued. I would love to get a new copy

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what hockey stores. I used this pattern for a long time before it was discontinued. I would love to get a new copy

PIAS in Kanata/Ottawa.

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For the Shanahan lovers now the called the Cammalleri: I did a little research since I wanted one of the these sticks (use to use the shanahan). The stick is available in the SE16 Cammalleri, but only in CANADA!. I contacted a couple of US online hockey stores and none had heard of it. I contacted Easton in the US, who refered me to the Canadian office. Easton Canada stated the stick is currently available only in CANADA. The blade according to Easton is 2mm longer than the old shanahan, but the rep said you would not notice it. As of the present I have not found any canadian hockey store that has the stick that will ship it to the US.

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