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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanahan's Classic Stealth

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Guest phillyfan

That reminds me of the stick Hanzdus uses, forget the name off the top of my head, but looks familiar in several ways.

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Guest phillyfan

Ah, that's it. It looks similar, just the Red "E" and silver "E", and the actual "Classic" and "Z-core" graphics differ, all that is is a Shannys' Classic shaft with a different paint job? Or are there improvements?

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There's no improvement to either shaft as Easton hasn't done anything new with those sticks for a few years, unless you count a repaint an upgrade.

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I'd like to see a clear shot of how much he warped it. You can see bits, but it'd be interesting to see the point at which he stops using them.

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I'd like to see a clear shot of how much he warped it. You can see bits, but it'd be interesting to see the point at which he stops using them.

I read The Stick, and Shanny said that he goes through 2-3 shafts per game. I know that that isn't directly what you were talking about, but I just remember people saying he goes through one a shift.

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Its pretty much about the evolution of sticks, from the earliest wood up unto the OPS era. I bought it on amazon.com and read it over vacation. Good read, I'd suggest it. Theres an awful lot that I didn't know about.

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I'd like to see a clear shot of how much he warped it. You can see bits, but it'd be interesting to see the point at which he stops using them.

I read The Stick, and Shanny said that he goes through 2-3 shafts per game. I know that that isn't directly what you were talking about, but I just remember people saying he goes through one a shift.

i can't find the book....can u find and post the link?



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Is it true Lindros uses an extremely stiff stick?

The Sher-Wood Eclipse I have that was made for him says 105 and feels a little stiffer.

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I'd like to see a clear shot of how much he warped it. You can see bits, but it'd be interesting to see the point at which he stops using them.

Sorry if this is an outdated post, but I talked to someone a while back at Joe Louis and he said Shanny chucks a stick if he hooks a shot right but calls it his bad if he hooks it left. Makes good sense. I have one of his sticks and it's pretty well bowed.

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