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most interesting/ screwed up movie uv seen

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"The Girl Next Door" (2007) was a pretty fucked up movie.

Rated R for sadistic torture and sexual abuse, nudity, language and strong sexual dialogue - all involving children.

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"The Girl Next Door" (2007) was a pretty fucked up movie.

Wasn't that with Elisha Cuthbert? If so, it's not that weird...

I totally want to check out the Human Centipede now :)

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Wasn't that with Elisha Cuthbert? If so, it's not that weird...

I totally want to check out the Human Centipede now :)

no, two different movies. the one your thinking of came out in 2004. the one im thinking about is 2007.

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My recs for stuff that is entertaining, but also kind of whacked out:

Man Bites Dog (in French with subs)

Pusher (in Danish with subs)

Baxter (in French with subs)

I second Drewhunz on recommending Salo (in Italian with subs)...great call Drewhunz!

Clean, Shaven (US)


The Bad Lieutenant(US) (make sure it is the unedited version or director's cut)

These following two flicks are not so whacked out, but great flicks nonetheless:

The Last Detail (US). 1972, with Jack Nicholson. Jack and a fellow SP have to transport a young Randy Quaid from Virginia to a Naval brig in New England cause the kid stole some money. Things happen along the way.

The Friends of Eddie Coyle (US). Again, 1972. I can't recommend this film enough for MHS'ers who are film buffs! It's a great crime story shot in the Boston winter, and features Robert Mitchum in what might be his best role of his career. But the kicker is that there is amazing footage of a Bruins vs Blackhawks game in Boston Garden in 1972. And that footage is cool beyond cool, trust me.

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Funny Games - an Austrian film about two teenagers who decide to take a family hostage and torture them.- remade with Tim Roth, Naomi Watts, and Michael Pitt. Pretty dark and intense, but was originally made to protest the use of graphic violence in place of psychological suspense. Remake was shot to be a frame by frame recreation of the original by the same director.

Also Sympathy for Lady Vengeance by Park Chan-wook. Great cinematography, some good twists, and interesting looks at how the pursuit of salvation through vengeance can wear on someone. The third in a series of movies he made based on the concept of revenge/salvation (all three are great.)


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Anyone ever see Antichrist? I remember hearing a lot about it leading up to its release, but haven't heard of any one seeing it.

I talked with some friends about this one. They said it was the most disturbing movie they had ever seen! There is a scene in there that made them both feel ill!

"Irreversible" W/Monica Belluci

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+1 on

Man bites Dog and Pink Flamingos.

8mm kind of left me disturbed for a bit as well. And not just because it was a Nick Cage flick.

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I talked with some friends about this one. They said it was the most disturbing movie they had ever seen! There is a scene in there that made them both feel ill!

"At least four people fainted during the preview due to the film's explicit violence."

I'm so watching it!

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A L'interieur is a WICKED movie (french with english subtitles). Gore is top notch, and the whole story takes place in one small house. It's great!

Also, Haute Tension (High Tension), is far better in french with subtitles. One of Aja's greatest movies (if not best). Wonderful acting, great story, good gore, it's an excellent film.

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+1 Irreversible

+1 Funny Games (either version)

+1 High Tension (Haute Tension). Watch it in the French subs. I picked it off the shelf at Blockbuster cause I couldn't believe that someone in France had made a genre flick with such a generic title. But the flick was the balls! Top-notch film-making.

I just caught a Hong Kong film at the Tribeca Fest called Dream Home. I don't know when their US dvd release will kick in, but keep an eye out. It's about a very attractive woman who goes on a murder spree to get an apartment she wants. The director throws some horrific violence to the audience, but does so with a wink. I have a very strong threshold for watching violence in movies, but will admit that I shielded my eyes several times during the course of this film. Here is imdb link:


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