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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightest Hockey Stick

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anyone know the weight of the top end sticks?

reebok 8.0.8 - 453g

reebok 10k - 411g

easton s19 - 473g

bauer x60 - 439g

bauer one95

taken from IW

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My repsonse.................

Who gives a flying f*** they're all light enough

Truth. My 2 main sticks I use are the 10k and the x60. Their both extremely light.

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Some people just prefer a light stick.

But being somebody who wanted the lightest stick, I find it more important now for the stick to have a good balance.

I was the same way. For a while, I wasn't using anything UNDER 425 grams in game. But I've gone back to slightly heavier sticks recently, around 480-490 grams, and seem to get stick lifted less, and I think I shoot harder as well. With so many NHL players using wooden end plugs, I think there's a reason. Blade light but heavier sticks seem to perform better than lighter sticks.

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My A/G gold tip and Z-Carb clock in at a husky 650g. Then again, I jazzercise.

Hahaha. Be careful, those are almost as heavy as wood sticks :rolleyes:

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Hahaha. Be careful, those are almost as heavy as wood sticks :rolleyes:

Wood????What is this strange material you speak of? :lol:

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Wonder how many people out there are switching to a smaller curve because it weighs less, not to mention using less tape to shave the weight of a fingernail clipping off their stick. Because obviously, if you have better numbers, even if you couldn't tell the difference holding both sticks with your eyes closed, it means it's better. Reminds me when Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes) was trying to be a competitive gum chewer, and told Hobbes if you have better stats it means you are having more fun. :D

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CCM U+ crazy light intermediate - at 395 grams, you definitely can tell that it is lighter if you are my size (5'10"). The balance is great. Stick handling is so much fun with this stick. Best stick I've ever had. Durability? Working fine for me so far.

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At 650g you've gotta be sweating to the oldies, too.

And i bet Richard Simmons would be dancing and clapping if he saw a man that could handle a big stick!

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And i bet Richard Simmons would be dancing and clapping if he saw a man that could handle a big stick!

Pierre Mcguire too

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I had a great laugh reading all of these posts. Now just to clarify what everyone else has said(I do that alot), the weight of the sticks are correct, but I think the X:60 is only 430 and the One 95 is around 440/445. But really, if the balance of the stick is better, you could find a 450 g stick, that feels lighter than one the claims to be 420. The balance is more important than the actual numbers.

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Good point on balance....more important than weight.

However...that said...the CL is noticeably lighter than anything else. As far as durability, I have owned mine for about 6 months...and still feels as good as the day I got it.

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Good point on balance....more important than weight.

However...that said...the CL is noticeably lighter than anything else. As far as durability, I have owned mine for about 6 months...and still feels as good as the day I got it.

My CL was great until... I started playing Center.

That stick and faceoffs simply do not agree...

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