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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth in a 75 Flex?

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Does anyone know if there are any plans to make the Stealth line of sticks in a 75 flex? The Synergy line has the option for a 75 flex but I don't see anything in the Stealth line. I was going to get an S19 today but didn't because I find that usually an 85 is just a little to stiff for me.

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That's strange because if you go to Easton's website they don't list a 75 flex as an option on any of the Stealth sticks. So how is that place selling something Easton claims it doesn't make? Strange.

So I called the place and confirmed. He says they have the S19 in stock in a 75 flex. Again still seems strange to me.

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Just because Easton doesn't list it on their site doesn't mean it's not available. Often times, they're made available to retailers as an SMU. Nothing weird or strange about it, just how things work sometimes.

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Thanks guys. I just checked hockeymonkey and they also show that they have them. Okay so it looks like I got some bad info from the shop. Which was followed up by bad info from Eastons site.

Or maybe I'm just losing my mind. :huh: Anyway thanks again for the help and or sanity check whichever way you want to look at it. :D

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Wait, so does that mean if I wanted an SE16 shaft in grip that I can only find in 85 or higher on all the sites I've been to, can actually be ordered in a 70 or 75 flex through a LHS??? If so, I'll be placing an order with mine shortly.

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Wait, so does that mean if I wanted an SE16 shaft in grip that I can only find in 85 or higher on all the sites I've been to, can actually be ordered in a 70 or 75 flex through a LHS??? If so, I'll be placing an order with mine shortly.

No, shafts are only in 85 and 100

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