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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking with insole in to improve shallow skate?

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My skates are just a touch shallow on me, I can feel a little bit of lace bite. If I bake the skates with the insoles in, will that compress them some to open up the skate a bit? Will they mold to the shape of my feet or is this a bad idea? They are One80s BTW.

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I see your story is going on :)

Did you bake your skates first time without insoles ?

Yup took insoles out first time. The skates barely passed the pencil test with the pencil just barely brushing against my foot.

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Just saw this:


Has anyone here laced their skates outside to in (instead of the normal inside to out) to reduce lace pressure on the tongue? Im definitely trying this when I get home. Seemed to help all 3 people that tried it on that thread.

You can try that or you can try just skipping the eyelet over the sore spot. That usually works too.

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You can try that or you can try just skipping the eyelet over the sore spot. That usually works too.

Is lacebite usually caused by skates that are a little too shallow?

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Has anyone here laced their skates outside to in (instead of the normal inside to out) to reduce lace pressure on the tongue? Im definitely trying this when I get home. Seemed to help all 3 people that tried it on that thread.

I always lace my skates that way, but I've never had a problem with lace bite. I just find that the laces hold better that way.

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