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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XXX Gloves Extra Palms Shenanigans

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Okay, I'm in the market for new gloves and I've tried on every pair I can get a hold of. So far, I'm loving the Bauer XX. The palms are a bit weird, but they are very comfortable and well fitting. Now that the XXXs are going to be shipping in November (according to Great Skate), I am thinking of postponing my purchase. They look to be an identical glove with the exceptions being palms and pleather/nylon shell. What worries me is that they are shipping with the extra palms. It leads me to believe that the palms are not robust enough, and Bauer is getting around this potential warranty issue by providing extras. Plus, it's a way to get residual business if they can pioneer marketing replacement palms.

Has anyone who has tried them on or personally seen them think the palms will be the achilles heel of this glove, or is it just a bonus like the extra L-2 blade?

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It leads me to believe that the palms are not robust enough, and Bauer is getting around this potential warranty issue by providing extras. Plus, it's a way to get residual business if they can pioneer marketing replacement palms.

I agree with you completely on the repalming issue...


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i know exactly why they are doing this, because they are going to have real leather palms and they will not last as long as synthetic. and they are going to charging you top dollar and using it as a good service tool for when they wear out.

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some people may have good experiences with real leather palms but they will wear out and rot as they are a natural fiber. that is why the synthetice is best. and that is why it has only been used for pros until the last few years it has been coming back to retail. But they do feel great...

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Absolutely right, real leather doesn't last as long or stay supple as long as synthetic. The improved grip and control is worth it to me though as no glove lasts me more than a year. The longest lasting palms I've had were Graf 700s with leather palms, they still don't have any holes but the palms are hard and crusty. Not bad considering teh number of games I played in them.

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i know exactly why they are doing this, because they are going to have real leather palms and they will not last as long as synthetic.

I might be wrong, but to me the palms on the XXX do not like like leather to me. They look like nash:


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Those are just the same nash palms that are on the XVs. It's a nice gesture to have them include free palms and have Bauer do it (if that's the case), but it's a strange direction from the XX palms... which are absolute tanks. I know the feel isn't the same on the stretch-palm and some might not like it, but in terms of durability, I don't there there is any palm out there that can touch it as far as durability goes...

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i wear XXs now, I love the palm, it has the best feel out of any glove I've used and it's holding up strong. The only thing I can see these having an advantage over the XXs is weight maybe, but the weight on the XXs doesn't bother me a bit.

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