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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AK27 vs One95 shaft

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Hey guys

I currently have an AK27 shaft paired with a one95 blade. It feels alright, but the shaft is a little heavier than I like. Also the blade doesn't fit that snugly and ive had to reglue it a couple times, leaving me kinda disappointed. I was wondering if anyone here has used both the ak27 and the one95 shaft and can comment on the weight as well as the performance of the one95 in comparison.


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i've used the same combo and found it to be a bit off balance as well. didnt have a problem with the blade not fitting snug, but then again i always tape the tenon as a preventative measure anyways.

as for a comparison. i would bet that the one95 blade was engineered with the shaft in mind, so you'll probably find better feel and performance out of the one95 2-piece combo. there are a lot of people on here who can provide feedback on this 2 piece set up, it seems to be pretty popular. i've only ever used the one95 OPS.

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I've tried both (each with a wooden blade) and personally i like the AK27 more, but i have never really been a bauer stick guy. I suggest trying out the one95 shaft or, if you have the money, buying it to see which you like better. If the blade is coming loose, you can put tape on the tendon (like Shotty said) and it will be held firm in place. i had this problem with my AK27 as well and with the tape it is perfect.

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I really like my One95 combo; however, I have never tried the AK27. From what I've heard, they are both really good and I suggest going with which ever suits your flex preference once it has been cut to your preferred length.

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Most online retailers seem to have them for $99 or under. I got mine as a warranty replacement for a shattered dolo shaft so I can't comment. Thanks for the responses guys, I really want to find a decent 2 piece setup as I hate to keep shelling out $200 for SE16's . I'm skeptical of the se16 shaft because I hated the SE shaft I had, plus the SE blade i had only lasted like 3 weeks.

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