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Digital Camera Experts needed - Want new ultra zoom camera.

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I am looking to get a new digital camera. I want to get one of the point and shoot ultra zooms. Something betweeen 20x - 30x zoom. Can't affored a DSLR, budget is $300-$500. Will be taking a mix of shots indoors, outdoors & some sports(hockey obviously). I've read reviews online but it seems that every review finds several flaws with each model. If the camera experts here could weigh in on 1 or 2 models that would be good I'd appreciate it.

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Some DSLRs/SLRs can be had at around $500 when on sale in Canada so I'm sure you are able to do the same in the States.

Unfortunately, a DSLR will run about $750 - $1000 at least when you add in the zoom lens. Way above my budget. That's why I'm looking at the point & shoot ultra zooms. I know I will be sacrificing some quality compared to a DSLR but just trying to find the best one available in my budget.

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You could afford an older dSLR, refurbished, from a camera shop or ebay though. I know its not what your asking but you just wont find a point and shoot of any kind that will doesnt have at least that one feature that's terrible fall on its face awful.

If you really can't go with a dSLR, get thee to the local camera shop and talk to them hold the demos in your hand, you'll find one you can settle on.

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Canon G11. Not a huge zoom but a solid, well-featured point and shoot.

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I am looking to get a new digital camera. I want to get one of the point and shoot ultra zooms. Something betweeen 20x - 30x zoom. Can't affored a DSLR, budget is $300-$500. Will be taking a mix of shots indoors, outdoors & some sports(hockey obviously). I've read reviews online but it seems that every review finds several flaws with each model. If the camera experts here could weigh in on 1 or 2 models that would be good I'd appreciate it.

In your price range I would get a point and shoot over a DSLR as others have recommended. Indoor sports (especially hockey) are relatively low light environments contrary to how bright you may think it is. $300-500 can get you an entry level DSLR probably bundled with some sort of 18-55mm lens or equivalent. These lenses are too short (speaking of focal length) and slow to use for hockey. I'm a Nikon shooter and the least expensive lens you could get away with taking photos at a hockey game would be a 70-200mm f2.8, a lens that will already run you north of $2000 not including the camera body.

Canon makes a lot of "superzoom" point and shoots in their Power Shot line and it seems like the brand you want to be looking into in your given price range. Lumix (Panasonic) have Leica lenses and make the best point and shoots IMO but will not have the huge zoom that you're looking for.

If I was to buy a camera I'd go into the store and play around with every model in my price range. You may find a camera model you like just based on numbers and facts you find over the internet but make your decision after handling the camera. You might not end up liking the way the buttons on the camera are laid out or you might find the camera is too small/big for your hands. Like hockey equipment, buy something that feels nice and not just what's on the spec sheet.

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I'm going to Australia next summer and am going to purchase a new camera. Not really sure if I should go with a canon sx20(or a newer model if they release one) or a dslr

give the SX20 a try at the stores. the only problem i have with it is the digital viewfinder, otherwise the pluses (Great pics, HD video, ultrazoom for a point and shoot, stiching, flip screen on the back) out weigh that, if you are used to shooting with the screen.

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I'm going to Australia next summer and am going to purchase a new camera. Not really sure if I should go with a canon sx20(or a newer model if they release one) or a dslr

How long are you going for and where are you staying? On a recent trip to Toronto I brought my bulky DSLR body along with a standard zoom, a telephoto and one prime lens and I felt uncomfortable about leaving it in my hotel room. It was in the high 20's low 30's for the week I was there and lugging around so much camera equipment can be a hassle especially in the heat.

What are you looking to spend and what features are you looking for in your camera?

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I'll be in Sydney for 6 days and then will head to auckland,NZ for a few days. I'm looking for a camera with good zoom and good picture quality when zoomed in. I'd like to stay under $1000.

Do you mind carrying around two lenses? You can get a decent camera body with a 18-55mm and 55-200mm lens to start off with in your price range. Those lenses will be great for shooting in the daytime but may be a bit slow for night photography. What sorts of pictures do you think you'll take most? People? Animals? Buildings? Do you need video?

For under $1000 I'd look into Sony, Canon or Nikon. There's other brands out there like Olympus but I find their cameras to be too small for my liking. Sony is the best bang for the buck IMO. You get some good quality Zeiss lenses and they're priced a bit lower than Canon and Nikon. For Canon I'd look into the XSi or the T1i depending on whether or not you need HD video. The Nikon D5000 looks to be a good buy at this price. In my experiences the sensor tends to be a bit better than the others in low light situations. It's got HD Video and a swivel screen if those are also features you're interested in. Go into your local camera shop and handle a few models and see which feels the best in your hands and which has the buttons laid out to your liking.

If you decide to go the Point and Shoot route instead there's still some pretty good options for about half your budget. Panasonic (Lumix) makes some very nice superzooms like the ZS5 and ZS7, Canon (as mentioned by others on here) have their Powershot SX IS series cameras. Again with these I'd go to the store and see which one suits you the best.

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I am looking to get a new digital camera. I want to get one of the point and shoot ultra zooms. Something betweeen 20x - 30x zoom. Can't affored a DSLR, budget is $300-$500. Will be taking a mix of shots indoors, outdoors & some sports(hockey obviously). I've read reviews online but it seems that every review finds several flaws with each model. If the camera experts here could weigh in on 1 or 2 models that would be good I'd appreciate it.

Not sure if the OP already got his camera, but I have heard a lot of good things about the Canon S90. It is shirt-pocketable, has a fast f/2.0 lens, and would probably fit in the budget. It's not an ultra-zoom, but in poor arena lighting I doubt most ultra zooms are going to do so well anyways, since they are usually pretty slow at the long end of the focal length range. I think this camera would be a great general purpose camera.

Most people think they want room at the long end of the focal length range (i.e. bigger zoom) when they really would use the wider end more. The difference between 100mm and 200mm is not usually as dramatic or important as the difference between, say, 20mm and 30mm.

FWIW, I have a whack of digital and film cameras, some very expensive, and the one I carry most is my Panasonic GH-1, with the wide angle zoom.

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