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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shipping sticks overseas

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Question for N. American (namely Canadian as it applies to me) members. I have a stick listed on eBay, and have an inquiry about shipping from Canada to Australia.

Is there a reasonable way to ship this? I mean my local post office (Canada Post obviously) quoted me around $180.00!!!! and said they might still not be able to take it because of the length (71" packaged). I went to UPS online and it was some crazy high amount too. Any suggestions from those with experience, or those who have had a stick shipped to them in Australia????

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Not sure if you guys can use USPS in Canada, but all my sticks sent from the 'States to Australia have been via USPS, and I've found they're by far the most reasonable when it comes to shipping costs. UPS has always been expensive, and Canada post (I think??) has been too and has taken a while longer.

Price to me in Melbourne is usually anywhere from $35US to $45US depending on length from the US.

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Contact poster Fatwabbitt - he's an expert (he's an aussie)

Singaporean relocated to Australia... technically not an Aussie, not for another 2 years when I get a PR and citizenship (green card equivalent).

If its a full OPS, then you can actually box it up and send it like that. Shafts can be wrapped in garbage bags, sheets of paper, bubble wrap and no probs. Make sure you wrap a little more tape on the ends of the shaft or blade. I normally tape with normal packing tape, then reinforce the ends with some duct tape.

Prices for shipping depend significantly on how much you can swap the shipping clerk. Some wouldnt care much about it and charge you a nominal fee... some are clueless and charge you an arm and a leg. Work your magic and see how it goes.

If you really need some help, PM me and I'll hook you up with my go-to guys in the US for more advice.

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Question for N. American (namely Canadian as it applies to me) members. I have a stick listed on eBay, and have an inquiry about shipping from Canada to Australia.

Is there a reasonable way to ship this? I mean my local post office (Canada Post obviously) quoted me around $180.00!!!! and said they might still not be able to take it because of the length (71" packaged). I went to UPS online and it was some crazy high amount too. Any suggestions from those with experience, or those who have had a stick shipped to them in Australia????

Not to Australia but I've shipped an OPS from Canada to England (shipping Internationally with Canada Post should be similar.) I went on Canada Post's website, got a quote for $30-40 and that's what I gave to my buyer. I received payment, packaged up the stick and everything before I went to the Post Office. The clerk there said it was oversized but it seemed impossible to me. Why would Canada Post's website give me a quote but not even take my item at the Post Office?

The clerk told me to go down the street to Fedex and they wanted $160 to ship to the stick, already more than what I sold the stick for.

My suggestion is sign up for a Venture One account with Canada Post so you can enter in your own measurements, weight, etc. That's what I ended up doing, printed out a shipping label, slapped it on the stick and dropped it off at the Post Office.

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Hey guys, I'm after a few sticks from Pro Stock Hockey Gear and they won't ship to me here in Australia for whatever reason, which sucks! Bostonjuniorblackhawks has been kind enough to enquire with his local post office to see if he could ship them for me, with no success due to size restrictions. I have ships sent to me via USPS all the time from the US, so I know it can be done (had the exact same stick sent to me just last week from MA). If anyone has a way of doing it and would be willing to help out I'm more than happy to fix you up for your troubles!


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Hey guys, I'm after a few sticks from Pro Stock Hockey Gear and they won't ship to me here in Australia for whatever reason, which sucks! Bostonjuniorblackhawks has been kind enough to enquire with his local post office to see if he could ship them for me, with no success due to size restrictions. I have ships sent to me via USPS all the time from the US, so I know it can be done (had the exact same stick sent to me just last week from MA). If anyone has a way of doing it and would be willing to help out I'm more than happy to fix you up for your troubles!


I'm not sure that this will help you or not. I was going to work a trade with fatwabbit at one point, but the shipping costs sank the deal. I was going to send a couple of shafts his way and the shipping (USPS, Priority, I think) was somewhere in the range of $44 USD. Still not cheap, but far less than $180. I'm wondering if you might save a ton by ordering blades and shafts and having them shipped separately, since the sizes would be much smaller and the shapes less "awkward" for shipping purposes. You might not be able to get the same pro stock stuff, but it might save you a hell of a lot of money (especially if a blade breaks) in the long run.

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Hey mate, thanks for the suggestion. I have bought all my sticks from the US over the past two years, and they usually cost me anywhere from $35 to $45 depending on whether they're shafts or OPS and where they're sent from. I have no issue in forking out $40-60 for shipping if it gets me the product I want. Unfortunately I bought a Pro Stock R8 Kotalik last week and I love it. The only place that has any won't ship to me so my options are limited. I've got a whole bunch of shafts and heads already, so it's really this one specific stick I'm after :)

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I have mates in the US that were gonna ship sticks over for me..

But when I got a quote from USPS it was $200 shipped to Brisbane!!

Then I had a quote from hockeymonkey and it was $95 to ship 2 sticks..

Wonder why there is such a price difference

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Kev, you are as Aussie as fried Dim Sims! :wink:

Shipping sticks to Aus is the biggest pain due to the whole oversize aspect. I have shipped sticks here for as cheap as 60USD or as much as 180USD. Depends on the dealer and how much they make on top of the existing shipping charges. What makes it further painful is that the vast majority of mail forwarders also won't touch oversized items.

I have shipped sticks with UPS, FedEx so far. Good service.

The best option (when rarely available) is when you know someone who is travelling to/from the US and get them to bring your sticks over. I bought 6 sticks last Oct from HockeyMonkey when I was in LA. Crammed them in the magnificent pink Easron stick bag I was given and the Airline didn't blink an eye. I flew with US Airways for the record.

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Yer i dont understand it either even for gloves i have been quoted $50 for shipping which is an absoulute joke

I got a full gear of hockey stuff from inline warehouse shipped to me for $110 and that included sticks, skates and what not

Not to mention i got a snowboard and all gear for that shipped to me in Australia from the US for $55

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Ok gang.... Just wanted to say that although I'm not an expert on shipping gear/sticks, I do have a couple of guys that are my go-to's for shipping gear. You name it, and its not impossible to get done. 3 OPS shipped for less than $40, shafts so far have ranged from $12 for one shaft, to $20 for up to three shafts.

As for gear, boxes arent an issue. Skates, shins, helmet, gloves etc...

PM me if you need any help, I've got stuff coming on a monthly basis (have slowed down my buying, but still buy stuff). Only thing I ask in return is for us to share the shipping costs, which is a bonus for me, and cheaper option for you.

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