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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate weight - proformance

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Just curious if anybody has calculated the weight of skates - I think the CCM U+ Pro is the lightest skate but lacks durability - Graf has always had weight issues but has the greatest durability - just curious how other brands make and models compare - also anybody know when the new graf's are released - looks like they have lighten up the boot a little and how these compare to other graf's such as the 705's - http://www.grafcanada.com/hockey_skates/UltraG35.php or other brands such as the bauer total ones - getting old and think I need some lighter skates to keep up the speed - or just need to train a little harder off ice. Somehow I think the lighter the boots the greater performance but less durability and they lose stiffness quicker and need to purchase new 18 months later!

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I've not seen anyone mention it here before, probably because they don't fit many people, but my Flexlite's are something like 30g per skate lighter than my Vapor XXXX's (don't know how that compared with X60's) which I was really surprised at. Not that 30g or something makes any difference.. I don't think a couple of grams could affect the performance of anyone with my ability!

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I think we're at the point of diminishing returns in making skates lighter.

I currently wear U+ Pros, and they're certainly very light. That said, a difference of 30 - 40 grams won't have as much impact on my game as an excellent fit, and good responsiveness will have.

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I just started using Skate Fenders which add X grams of weight. They've had no impact. I don't even know they are there.

Fit and comfort are way more important than weight.

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Hey, first post, but I had to reply to this thread b/c I just switched last night from CCM U+ Pro Reloadeds to Bauer X60s. The Reloadeds are noticeably lighter in your hands, but not on your feet. Add to that the fact that the X60s are a completely different skate in terms of balance/comfort/posture and I can tell you that I definitely felt quicker and more agile on the X60s. The advertising is not hype, IMO. So, take it from someone who has to have the lightest EVERYTHING (stick, helmet, gloves, pants, shins, etc., etc.)--weight isn't everything. Especially when we're measuring in freakin' GRAMS, people!


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Welcome to modsquad theflash0000, I have the X:60 and I can tell you that in a size 8.5D are heavier than a pair of RBK 9k second generation in size 10, actually quite noticeable. I was surprised by this, but that's the way they feel, now I haven't skated on the 9k so I can't say anything about the performance and how they feel on your feet, but a 9k size 10 is lighter than a X60 size 8.5.

That said, I have no problem with them being at this weight, the way I see it, I take my heavy X:60 any day to the lighter, crap for durability, 9k. One more thing, if I remember the X:50 is actually lighter than the X:60, but I trust Bauer when it comes to building skates and the fact that a couple of grams doesn't mean anyhting, they don't even do the whole gimick with the perforated steel. Cheers

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Welcome to modsquad theflash0000, I have the X:60 and I can tell you that in a size 8.5D are heavier than a pair of RBK 9k second generation in size 10, actually quite noticeable. I was surprised by this, but that's the way they feel, now I haven't skated on the 9k so I can't say anything about the performance and how they feel on your feet, but a 9k size 10 is lighter than a X60 size 8.5.

That said, I have no problem with them being at this weight, the way I see it, I take my heavy X:60 any day to the lighter, crap for durability, 9k. One more thing, if I remember the X:50 is actually lighter than the X:60, but I trust Bauer when it comes to building skates and the fact that a couple of grams doesn't mean anyhting, they don't even do the whole gimick with the perforated steel. Cheers

Yeah sebseb I can defineitly agree with you on this. I also have a pair of X60s, 8.5 EE and honesty the fact that they are heavier than the earlier vapour XXXX doesnt really concern me. And yeah I had a pair of 9ks before my X60s, they are a decent skate but fall apart early and often. Pieces come off, boots crack you name it. Doesnt the feel of a skate (or even) a stick determine anything, I think the weight of a skate is becoming too much of a selling point for companies

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