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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Tacks inline skates

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I've been wondering, why does CCM not have a Tacks line of inline skates and only Vectors?

Actually for years they did have 852's, 952's and 1052's converted to inline...and the "magnesium chassis" was a HiLO and very low profile actually, with a one piece axle design too. But probably due to marketing reasons those skates never sold well....surprisingly because they were probably the market leaders on ice at the time. At the time the majority of inline players were probably not ice players, so CCM's name didn't mean much..if it wasn't a Tour or Mission or have a Labeda chassis it didn't count. These skates ended up being dumped for short money pretty soon after they were introduced.

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When I first started playing Roller in 97 thats all everyone really skated on who was serious was the NEW at the time 97something range of CCM Tacks. I begged my dad for a pair but had to settle with a pair of TR2000's *Shudders*.

Anyways the next few years they kept improving the skates chassis, but the boot itself was still essentially an Ice boot thats durability wasn't exactly solid. Nevertheless they were market leaders for what seemed like ages in the mid to late 90's. Allot of old school Aussie players still swear by CCM's and have been licking their lips at the NEW Vector range.

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I'm pretty sure, until the 970s, the inline model for that year was 55 (655, 755)

They had sure grip chassis on them early on, then started with hilos about a year behind everyone else.

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