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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Skates?

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I'm going to disagree for a couple reasons. Unproven technology at retail and no native mass production capabilities.

but it's a "tech" skate instead of "traditional" skate. They've already done some work which is better than starting out from now where... and mass production can be setup when money gets brought to the table, money which Warrior has.

I'm not saying it's going to happen but I think it's a better option than Graf.

Torpso and Kor tech(or should I say Kor and Kor tech?) is also another viable option, in my opinion.

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but it's a "tech" skate instead of "traditional" skate. They've already done some work which is better than starting out from now where... and mass production can be setup when money gets brought to the table, money which Warrior has.

I'm not saying it's going to happen but I think it's a better option than Graf.

Torpso and Kor tech(or should I say Kor and Kor tech?) is also another viable option, in my opinion.

Acquiring a company like MLX wouldn't make financial sense at this time, they're not really worth anything. Warrior could purchase whatever falls under their intellectual property, but really that's not going to happen. Lemieux and the gang are going to sweat it out a bit before they think of selling. A company like Torspo makes more sense and is in line with the previous Warrior acquisitions. - Find a product manufacturer, that for all intents and purposes, makes a (relatively) quality product but fails in marketing itself. Acquire the company, brand it with a W, and market the hell out of it with cliche imagery.

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The difference is Torspo is dead in the water instead of MLX where they're about to go swimming with sharks.

There really isn't anything comparable to previous acquisitions. MIA, Innovative, Montreal weren't bankrupt or just starting out... and Warrior is the one sitting on old tech(Innovative 1100) not buying a company that has been peddling old tech for years.

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very true but i feel the helmet is a very likely to come out soon correct me if im wrong do they have a lacrosse helmet?

A few but they are no where near as used as cascade and brine helmets as far as I can tell.

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A few but they are no where near as used as cascade and brine helmets as far as I can tell.

Brine and Warrior are both owned by New Balance.

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I thought they were working with Rebellion on the skate angle, at least that is what I heard. And yes, Warrior Lax helmets have a very small following.

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But they are the same brand as brine. That would be comparable to Nike helmets small following during the Nike Bauer enterprise

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I have the Warrior Venom for lacrosse. The concept was good, you can pump it up for a customized fit, but its not really comfortable

Same with the Riddell new football helmet, different sizes, but like 5 air pockets that you can pump to customize the fit

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Same with the Riddell new football helmet, different sizes, but like 5 air pockets that you can pump to customize the fit

As useless to the discussion as this comment is to the new Riddell Revo Speeds are diiiiiirty

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Same with the Riddell new football helmet, different sizes, but like 5 air pockets that you can pump to customize the fit

My lacrosse team had a helmet similar made by riddell with pumps most uncomfortable thing ever the padding was so hard and stiff even with break in I just bought my own

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