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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone get any snow yet?

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It's pretty nippy down here in the Hammer. Kind've sucks, no snow or anything good, we've had a junkload of rain and it's been freezing.

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Got our first snow two weeks ago. I was out and it started coming down around midnight and I thought it would just be a little bit and be gone by morning, but when I woke up and looked outside everything was covered in about a foot and a half or so. We've had a few other snow dumps here in St. Albert (Edmonton), so I'm hopin the ski hills will be opened a little earlier this year.

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You shouldn't. I don't have snow here yet, and we rarely ever have some, but when I leave the door this morning to a cold, windy, rainy day I wish I was living in Florida or Cali.

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I don't mind it when it snows, although it rarely does around here. I couldn't stand living in Cali or Florida during the school year. The bad weather makes going to school much easier.

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Here's our nice dump of the white stuff. Only positive of snow is the rinks open up, snowboarding, and you know christmas is coming :)




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Snow? What's that? Here in my part of CA, rain is an oddity. Averages anywhere from 15" - 20" yearly.

I wish I lived near snow. :(

You have a really long middle finger.

That's a good guitar playing finger. :D

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Snow? What's that? Here in my part of CA, rain is an oddity. Averages anywhere from 15" - 20" yearly.

I wish I lived near snow. :(

Sold, when do you want to trade?

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Tokes - Your finger looks an awful lot like ET's

Does anyone else get a little "A Christmas Story" vibe while looking at those pics? You'll shoot your eye out kid.

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