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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I Upgrade to Vapor X:60 Skates?

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I currently have the Bauer X:40 skates and I like them a lot. However, the blade has gotten down really low and they are a little too small now so it's time to get a new pair. I skate 5-6 times a week of competitive hockey in the fall/winter and I was wondering if you guys think it would be worth it to buy X:60's or just buy another pair of X:40's.

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Get new steel, and stretch them. Or just get another pair of X:40's, save some $$$, and get another stick.

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How has the stiffness been on your X:40's? If it was ok for you with that much ice time I'd get those again. If you need more stiffness or for the skate to last longer try the X:60's.

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I with the last poster. I'd go for the X50's. Lower price tag and almost every feature as the X60's.

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I with the last poster. I'd go for the X50's. Lower price tag and almost every feature as the X60's.

and surprisingly if you care about being a gram whore then this is a perfect choice for ya lol! the X:50's weighs less then the X60's!!!

I with the last poster. I'd go for the X50's. Lower price tag and almost every feature as the X60's.

and surprisingly if you care about being a gram whore then this is a perfect choice for ya lol! the X:50's weighs less then the X60's!!!

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I think you won't be dissappointed with the X50's. Good shopping and good luck! Have fun!

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