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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I be worried?

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Hi all, I just got TotalOnes today and there's a slight problem.. When I lace up the right skate and stand up and press down with my body weight around the front of the skate I hear a weird creaking noise :o Should I be worried or is it fine ? Thanks!

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Maybe your steel is loose? I would maybe bring it to your LHS and have them check it out. I've never had a new pair of Bauer skates that have made noise out of the box.

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Have same issue with my TO's, hasn't affected my skating at all (I've had them for 5 months and they've been great, haven't noticed the steel being loose but definitely something to check out).

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I had the same Issue. I think its cause by the fusion steel not being as stiff as a normal set of steel. just a thought. I put step steel in mine and no longer heard the clicking so that all I can think of it being.

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not sure that was only paint , in my case there was noticable movement of the runner on the left boot in front part of its holder,and slight movement in the right holder, skates were right out of box, brand new,I stuck a piece of clear tape and cracking noice disappeared along with blade's movement, but after baking both noice and movement came back . I was advised to replace holders, really funny advice for skates in that price category , instead I replaced runners , left one was set in right boot and the right into left holder, and that issue came away.

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I had an issue with my one95s where it would make a slight noise when walking and they felt "off" when skating. Turns out I loosened all the rivets in the front tower of the holder. I had my LHS re-rivet with a couple of coppers, haven't had an issue since.

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