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What Gear do the WHL Referees wear?

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Hi I am a beginner to this forum , I was wondering what gear the WHL/Junior officials wear because it looks really good. Are the pants the PG Pro Padded ones? If anyone has experience with seasoned referee equipment that they wear or anything that is cosmetically close please let me know! Thanks guys

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As far as WHL goes and all of the canadian leauges for that matter. They wear ccm v10 helmets with that bubbleish visor..i think its bauer x100 maybe..jerseys they have ccm issued pro jerseys and pants i think are preference. I personally like the ccm pp8l.

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As far as WHL goes and all of the canadian leauges for that matter. They wear ccm v10 helmets with that bubbleish visor..i think its bauer x100 maybe..jerseys they have ccm issued pro jerseys and pants i think are preference. I personally like the ccm pp8l.

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As far as WHL goes and all of the canadian leauges for that matter. They wear ccm v10 helmets with that bubbleish visor..i think its bauer x100 maybe..jerseys they have ccm issued pro jerseys and pants i think are preference. I personally like the ccm pp8l.

Wow quick response thanks

Well I see their jerseys are typically very small or or tucked in, and their pants are 2/3 of their entire body it looks like the pads are built into the pants

I know a few years back they had the Rbk 6k helmets instead of the CCM's

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Assuming the guys in the west wear the same stuff as here in the LHJMQ, all the guys that I ref with that are on the LHJMQ's referee staff wear the following:

CCM v10 helmet

Bauer/Itech DX100 visor

Stevens 103 pro pants

and there jerseys are CCM, but they are not retail, not sure what model they are, they have the ccm patch over the right pec.

Skates are personel preference, but I would say 90% of them wear various GRAF models

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Assuming the guys in the west wear the same stuff as here in the LHJMQ, all the guys that I ref with that are on the LHJMQ's referee staff wear the following:

CCM v10 helmet

Bauer/Itech DX100 visor

Stevens 103 pro pants

and there jerseys are CCM, but they are not retail, not sure what model they are, they have the ccm patch over the right pec.

Skates are personel preference, but I would say 90% of them wear various GRAF models

Ya that does sound similar. Except for the pants part, I can't see any lines on the outside but the Stevens have visible lines don't they? Maybe I am just too far away in the stands

Also don't they wear some sort of protection underneath the jersey? They look bigger than usual I know theres the elbow pads but something else too maybe

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Dude, it's a CCM/Reebok league, anything that can be seen will be CCM or Reebok spare visor and skate.

As far as underneath is concerned, unless you go into their locker room while they are changing, WE WON'T KNOW.

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When wearing them, the Stevens don't have any visible lines.A lot of NHL guys wear them too. IMO they are the best pants available appearance and comfort wise. As far as protection goes, they are awesome with built-in padding that gives a natural look unlike ccm's pant the PG100. They don't wearing anything under their jersey for protection other than elbow pads. If you think they look bigger than usual, it's because a lot of refs will wear a sweater underneath which gives that impression and can also keep you warm in some of the colder arena's.

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When wearing them, the Stevens don't have any visible lines.A lot of NHL guys wear them too. IMO they are the best pants available appearance and comfort wise. As far as protection goes, they are awesome with built-in padding that gives a natural look unlike ccm's pant the PG100. They don't wearing anything under their jersey for protection other than elbow pads. If you think they look bigger than usual, it's because a lot of refs will wear a sweater underneath which gives that impression and can also keep you warm in some of the colder arena's.

Wow good logic thanx whats better the stevens or the pg padded ??

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Yes the pants have CCM logo, but they are actually other pants (Stevens, PG or MF2's) re-branded.

hey mike, are you a official from junior?

what do you prefer equipment wise? the pg pants or the stevens ?

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I do not referee in the CHL, but it is one of my goals that I am working on. This year I got promoted and started reffing my first Jr.A and Jr.B games. I made a Jr.B team this year and actually decided not to play so I could pursue refereeing. The referee world is very difficult latter to climb. There are so many things that have to be perfected that players, fans and coaches don't even notice. Once you start doing games that are higher than Bantam and Midget travel hockey, it becomes crazy on what the supervisors will correct you on, the details are so small and they psychologically dissect every call you made in a game.

As far as ref pants go, stevens pants are what everyone(higher level referee's) wear around here. They are available at almost all major hockey stores. I have never seen any referee with PG pants, but I assume that is because they only sell their product in one retail store in the whole province. By looking at the PG website, they have a lot more retailers that carry their product in the western part of the country so I'm sure there product is a lot more used there. As far as quality goes, stevens and PG both retail for about the same price and by looking and the description and pictures they seem to be very similar and probably almost identical.

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I do not referee in the CHL, but it is one of my goals that I am working on. This year I got promoted and started reffing my first Jr.A and Jr.B games. I made a Jr.B team this year and actually decided not to play so I could pursue refereeing. The referee world is very difficult latter to climb. There are so many things that have to be perfected that players, fans and coaches don't even notice. Once you start doing games that are higher than Bantam and Midget travel hockey, it becomes crazy on what the supervisors will correct you on, the details are so small and they psychologically dissect every call you made in a game.

As far as ref pants go, stevens pants are what everyone(higher level referee's) wear around here. They are available at almost all major hockey stores. I have never seen any referee with PG pants, but I assume that is because they only sell their product in one retail store in the whole province. By looking at the PG website, they have a lot more retailers that carry their product in the western part of the country so I'm sure there product is a lot more used there. As far as quality goes, stevens and PG both retail for about the same price and by looking and the description and pictures they seem to be very similar and probably almost identical.

wow thts very detailed why thank you

ya i want to be a ref i'm in bc, in canada we are in the western coast

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Very very very few refs wear a chest protectors. And the ones that do get jokes made towards them.

I know a few minor league linesmen that wear them. At some point it becomes less of a macho thing and more about protecting yourself.

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I know a few minor league linesmen that wear them. At some point it becomes less of a macho thing and more about protecting yourself.

Once upon a time, referees didn't want to wear helmets. Then they resisted the push to make them wear visors.

Then this happened, and guys started to get comfortable with the idea. Warning: The article is a great read, but the video is pretty graphic.

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