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San Jose adult rec leagues

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So I may or may not be moving to San Jose come December. I want to know what leagues are available and which are the best. I did a search and only found a topic on SF. Just interested in skill level, ice quality, organization, etc of local SJ rec leagues. Thanks!

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There are two main adult leagues in/around the Silicon Valley; namely SIAHL (Sharks Ice Adult Hockey League) and PHA (Pacific Hockey Association). You can find out more information at www.sharksiceatsanjose.com and www.playpha.com

If you are arriving in December, you might be able to join a team (as long as the rosters are not locked and there is room on the team). If the rosters are locked, you could always check out the pick up games and hit up Gretzky Hour (stick and puck session at Sharks Ice).

If you play at a high level, you may want to consider Sharks Ice A division; which players such as Viktor Tikhonov and Jamie Baker have been/are a part of.

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Thanks for all the info. I'll know more of my move come October or so. I'm not anywhere near the A skill level. Definitely on the intermediate side. This will point me in the right direction though. Thanks guys.

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Hey guys, I'm originally from San Diego, and I'd love to play in San Jose while I'm out there in December. I doubt I'd be able to sub in for a game due to rules, but I'd love to do a drop in session. Should be out there in October with our AAA team. ( I'm a coach, not a player at that level)

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A friend of mine is looking to start an new ice hockey team come Spring of 2012. The team will be part of Sharks Ice (San Jose) and will start out in the EEEE division. I realize that it's still a ways away from the start of the Spring season, but if you are interested, please shoot me a PM expressing your interest. The Spring season will most likely start at the end of April or early May; with the money being due a bit before the season starts. My friend has a few people interested, but still a far cry from having an entire team; so hopefully there will be enough interest to form a team. I'd speculate the cost per person (dependent upon the size of the roster) would be around $500 per player for 18 games (2 preseason and 16 regular season games).

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