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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Re-Baking U+ pro

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So I was on a tight budget and got a pair of U+ Pro 08 for dirt cheap. My feet are pretty awkwards. I do have very large bunions, pretty large forefoot and narrow heel. Anyways, I went to the LHS and had the punched (some sort of lever press) to suit my bunions (which worked out amazingly well) and baked to get the U+ foam to fit my feet as much as possible.

They were feeling fine at the LHS but when I steped on the ice for the first game in them, they felt like crap. I had so much pain and I suffered pretty large blisters. So much that I could not even finish the game.

Anyways, a friend of mine has had the same skates for a while and told me he had to bake them 3 times before having a decent fit. Would you recommend re-baking them ? Will I lose the newly punched shape for my bunions if I rebake them ? Will I have any benefits from rebaking or only ice time will get the skates to fit well.

To be honest, I have never had high end stiff skates before and I feel like crap skating in those. I just want them to fit me ... I can't play in them how they currently fit my feet. I almost wanna go back to my old skates even though they are about a ton heavier.

Any advice will be very appreciated.



BTW please tell me if my picture isn't showing up.

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Others more knowledgeable than me will probably reply, but to get blisters like you have, I would think your foot was moving quite a bit in the boot. What boot did you skate in previously? I wonder if you have a lower volume foot that isn't a good match for the CCM's? Did you perform the pencil test when selecting these boots?

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Go with what Rubo suggested and I'd definitely give those puppies a rebake. Man those blisters look very sore. Never seen them that bad in the arch before.

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Go with what Rubo suggested and I'd definitely give those puppies a rebake. Man those blisters look very sore. Never seen them that bad in the arch before.

Ouch. You need a much wider skate. Toss them!

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That is weird....

My old skates were rbk 3ks from the first year rbk appeared on the shelves, cannot remember thr exact year it was. My 3ks werent sized correctly 9D and my U+ are 8E.

I cannot afford to toss them and buy new ones ... I think ill just try rebaking them and punching them in that area...

Btw after 2 full weeks the blisters finally healed. For 2 weeks the only thing i could walk in without too much pain was thongs.

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I had that happen once when I had to borrow someones skates as my chassis broke. They were too big, and I got about the same result as you but only in the one foot. I hate to suggest this but is it possible these ones are too big too? With a proper fitting I dropped from a 8.5 rbk to a 7. Well technically I got customs and am 6.5/6.75.

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