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Do I need smaller gloves?

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I know that your finger tips should not reach the end of the glove for protection reasons. I am currently wearing a pear of Easton Z-Air 2000 (the pair with no wrist wrap) in a size 13.5. When I grip my stick my index finger has a hard time gripping the shaft because I think the glove is too big for my fingers. My gloves are fully broken in but I just have a problem with my index finger not being able to hold the shaft. Should I look for a size 13 and does differnt brands/models offer different finger lengths?


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Different brands will offer different fitting cuts and finger length, so the best thing to do is try them on. For example, TPS tends to have longer, tapered fingers with a little foam overhang, so that if your finger tips do touch the gussets, the overhang will protect your finger tips. Generally, if you do end up taking a hack on the glove, odds are pretty slip that your fingertips will get clipped even if they do touch the end of the gussets.

If the problem you're finding is that the index finger is not fully gripping around the stick (for your top hand) b/c it's hitting the thumb, that's normal.

Go with what you feel gives you the best control and the most comfort.

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If the problem you're finding is that the index finger is not fully gripping around the stick (for your top hand) b/c it's hitting the thumb, that's normal.

:huh: That's my biggest gripe with some gloves I've tried on is not being able to get that index finger close enough to the thumb.

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The tapered fingers make it much easier to close your hand on the stick. Some people like the Sande trigger finger for that reason as well.

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Err, I use 13" gloves when I really need 14"-14.5". I remember I went into the boards once and I just cracked my thumb nail. I don't know how it got cracked but I took my hand out of the glove because I felt pain and I was bleeding pretty badly.

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I find that tighter-fitting gloves give you better control. I have trouble fitting into a 15" Easton glove (Air, UL Pro, etc) because Easton's fingers are SO short, but a 13" Mission M1 fits me great... fingers are long enough that my fingertips reach the end, even with my hand closed around a stick, but not so long that there's slop room. Glove sizing is one of the worst things to come about in hockey equipment, there's even less standard there than there is with skate sizing. Everyone should try on gloves before buying them. As long as your fingertips aren't protruding when you're holding a stick, you're fine.

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I noticed that when Orlando used to play, a few players went for a smaller glove on one hand. I found a matching pair of gloves (name was on them) and one glove was one size smaller. I believe Lemieux does that as well.

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I noticed that when Orlando used to play, a few players went for a smaller glove on one hand. I believe Lemieux does that as well.

For years Jagr used two different model gloves, in addition to them being different sizes.

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Oates did that as well. He started doing it after recovering from a wrist injury or something along those lines, and he also favored the smaller glove size that he found playing lacrosse.

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Good one guys! Do you realize what you may have started? Kids from MSH are going to start going to their LHS asking for "one 13" glove' and "one 14" glove". LHS managers are going to swarm MSH with hate mail. :lol:

All in all though, gloves are a real pain. That's why you find so many pairs of gloves for sale with only one or two uses out of them. It's hard to get a real feel for them in the store. You really never know until you get out and play with them.

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I have a pair of pro stock Oates tps gloves. They are a size 15 but they are tight. I like a looser fitting glove. They are plenty long though. I am still trying to get used to them but I keep coming back to my missions

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