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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick shopping

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im currently in the market for new sticks. right now im using an x:60 and would like to change. i dont want 2 more x:60s because of the poor puck feel. my playing style is sort of playmaker/two way. im pretty open about brands besides warrior. anyone have any suggestions for a stick i should look into?

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If you want a great feel stick, I really thought the Easton Synergy Elite or se16 were great for that. I wasn't blown away with their shooting ability but they definitely handled the puck like an all-star for me. Soft enough to accept hard/crisp passes and responsive enough to have great feel for the puck while handling through traffic. That said, I use a BASE or One95 now and I love them both (but I do more shooting than passing these days).

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If you want a great feel stick, I really thought the Easton Synergy Elite or se16 were great for that. I wasn't blown away with their shooting ability but they definitely handled the puck like an all-star for me. Soft enough to accept hard/crisp passes and responsive enough to have great feel for the puck while handling through traffic. That said, I use a BASE or One95 now and I love them both (but I do more shooting than passing these days).

i used an se16 for around 10 games, i might look in to the eq50 or whatever its called. how is the one 95 i am considering that too.

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Take a look at the Warrior Dolomite DD. The puck feel, so far, is the best of any Warrior I've used. One of the best on the market, it really surprised me. Regardless how you feel about the company, it's a great value and worth a look.

Right now the best puck feel sticks, in my opinion are:

Bauer one95

Warrior Dolomite DD


Out of the three, only two play comparable. The Dolomite and the CL and the Dolo is $40 cheaper.

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If you can afford a S17 while they are still there.. at least just to try before you grow old and die.

Because whatever some would say, it remains THE stick when it comes to "feel" and this thrill you can do everything with it... One of a kind stick, really increases your pleasure on ice.

Just be prepared to see it go soft in a month-time if you play a lot, if it didn't break before, knowing that it will break eventually.

Otherwise the one95 (most durable high end stick I had) is the reasonable choice. Sher-wood T90, innovative sticks are some good stuff for the money as well

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If you can afford a S17 while they are still there.. at least just to try before you grow old and die.

Because whatever some would say, it remains THE stick when it comes to "feel" and this thrill you can do everything with it... One of a kind stick, really increases your pleasure on ice.

Just be prepared to see it go soft in a month-time if you play a lot, if it didn't break before, knowing that it will break eventually.

Otherwise the one95 (most durable high end stick I had) is the reasonable choice. Sher-wood T90, innovative sticks are some good stuff for the money as well

i had an s17 and really liked it but havent been able to find them. i really liked the stick besides the fact that i broke 3 of them. i have narrowed down to the one 95 and s17. they both seem to have what im looking for. do any of you guys have information about the eq50. the pro shop at this tournament i was in last week end had some but never looked at it.

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You liked the S17? ...I can't help you then, that stick was horrible for an "elite level" composite.

my shot was great with it. any ccm sticks any of you would reccomend.

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S19 is my favourite right now. Seems to be the best all around in feel, shooting power, and accuracy. Durability, well, the first one I had broke after one game, but the replacement has been going on a month strong with me being on the ice four times a week. Then again, I don't play at a high level...

I have a One95 which was great for awhile, but I think it's gone a little soft and it's a different curve from what I've figured out I like, so I don't use it too much anymore. But, it sure is one durable stick and I could stickhandle quite well with it. I prefer the lower kickpoint sticks, though.

I've also got last years Dolo HD, which I think has a pretty good feel. The new Dolomite Spyne HD is decent and pucks just rip off of the blade, but I'm not a huge fan of the feel (really stiff blade and I feel I really have to handle the puck gingerly or it bounces right off).

Still want to try the Reebok 11K and the CCM U+ CL.

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personally i loved the se16 if you can get one go for it and even my s19 (which is prostock repainted se16) feels amazing just all around good stick in my veiw

i was at my lhs today and was kind of surpirised. i asked the guy if he could order any se16s because they didnt have any in stock. he said they could but you dont want easton because they break to easy. is there any truth in that statement? i know i had an s17 that broke but those sticks are not durable. i also have an se16 that dont mind. i am probably going to go with the one 95 just because it has good puck feel and is a shooting stick. are there any differences between the nike bauer one95 and just the bauer one 95?

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Graphics on the bauer one95 looks better in my opinion, not to mention that if you happen to find a nikebauer in your LHS it means it's been there for a while... otherwise it's exactly the same stick.

Unlike what I read here, I know 2 se16 that are still holding up well after more than 1 year now..

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i was at my lhs today and was kind of surpirised. i asked the guy if he could order any se16s because they didnt have any in stock. he said they could but you dont want easton because they break to easy. is there any truth in that statement? i know i had an s17 that broke but those sticks are not durable. i also have an se16 that dont mind. i am probably going to go with the one 95 just because it has good puck feel and is a shooting stick. are there any differences between the nike bauer one95 and just the bauer one 95?

i have had 2 retail and 1 porstock(the s19) and none of the blades have broke, but then again it all depends on the type of player you are.

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i have had 2 retail and 1 porstock(the s19) and none of the blades have broke, but then again it all depends on the type of player you are.

My friend went through 4 of them in like 2 months

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If you want puck feel, go for an se16. I was blown away to how responsive it was. I just picked up a totalone, I really like it so far.

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.... and none of the blades have broke, but then again it all depends on the type of player you are.


Very few stick models are inherently prone to breakage. Some would have you believe that overall manufacturers break more than others: "Eastons/Bauer/Warrior sticks are fragile! Stay away!"

Bull. Those manufacturers have not become the top three through any easy means. They all produce some of the best sticks in the world. The only difference is what feel, finish, flex, materials, shapes, and colors they offer in terms of what you prefer.

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I've heard that the Se16 has great puck feel, never tried so can't back it up. I'm really impressed with the EQ50, I just really like it in a general first impression. Right now I'm using a One 95, which is easily my favorite stick but I've got a Base stick coming in a week or two which I'm pretty impressed with.

And just wanted to throw out just with some people mentioning the "broke X many sticks in X months". I gotta say until this year, I always thought that was a load of bull. My friend somehow managed to break 4 S19's and an SE16 over the course of a year. That actually really impressed me. By no means was he using a whippy flex, but that just amazed me.

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My friend somehow managed to break 4 S19's and an SE16 over the course of a year. That actually really impressed me. By no means was he using a whippy flex, but that just amazed me.

Flex shouldn't have much to do with it either.

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I currently use 3 main sticks that I rotate through depending on the mood:

S19: Best of the 3 for shooting. It spring backs hard and shoots accurate.

KOR ZX-4: Light and feels really comfortable stick handling.

BASE Savoy Special: Best feel of the 3 for receiving passes and throwing sauce. The flex/shot is also good.

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Flex shouldn't have much to do with it either.

No, not really but if I were to guess that'd be my first try.

I currently use 3 main sticks that I rotate through depending on the mood:

S19: Best of the 3 for shooting. It spring backs hard and shoots accurate.

KOR ZX-4: Light and feels really comfortable stick handling.

BASE Savoy Special: Best feel of the 3 for receiving passes and throwing sauce. The flex/shot is also good.

Haha so do you just pick whichever two you like and bring them to your game? I sometimes switch sticks to "fit the situation". (PP, Pk, Shootout). Not that it really does anything, I'm quite sure it's just in my head... :dry:

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No, not really but if I were to guess that'd be my first try.

Haha so do you just pick whichever two you like and bring them to your game? I sometimes switch sticks to "fit the situation". (PP, Pk, Shootout). Not that it really does anything, I'm quite sure it's just in my head... :dry:

Basically, when I'm too lazy or don't have time to tape one, I pick the other two. :laugh:

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