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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where did the p29 pattern go on My Bauer?

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Wanted to buy a TotalOne stick but there is no p29 pattern option available. Does anyone know if this is temporary or permanent? If it's permanent, what's a good clone to the p29?


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Same place the P72 went is my guess. I hope it's temporary but I don't recall patterns being added in last year's choices. I also thought Bauer would have jumped on the bandwagon and released an Ovi clone on there, but I guess they didn't cater to the dozens who wanted it.

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Yup, the X60 was the start of the limited patterns offered by MyBauer and it looks like it merged into the TotalOne as well... Very disappointed. Warrior has almost more retail options than MyBauer does!!!

Still a good program though.

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I just looked at both the x60 and total one customizer! WOW! That sucks! They took some really good patterns off. Not much different than what is available retail!

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