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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates for "duck" feet

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Hey guys, long time MSH reader first time poster here!

I'm currently looking for a pair of skates that would fit my "duck" feet. I currently skate in RBK4ks and mission commanders both in EE width, but both are too narrow for my feet and causes great discomfort around mid foot (little toe side), I've already bake the skates multiple times and still hasn't improved.

I previously bought those skates from my lhs and they felt fine when I put them on in the store. The pain only starts kicking in when I start skating about 5 minutes in. I'm not too sure if theres something I'm not noticing when I try the skates on. (I don't want to repeat the same mistake again :()

Some people suggested I try grafs skates but the only available models around my lhs are the g5/g7 & f30/f60. Do you think you can tell me if I have a wide or narrow heel and if I have a high instep?

I was also wondering if swiss grafs fits differently to the canada grafs. Ill be traveling to north america in a few months time so canadian grafs are an option if I can't find a suitable fit over here in europe.

thank you for your input






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A Graf skate ending in 9 is designed to fit wide and deep.

they dont have those in europe though

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not sure if my eyes are deceiving me, but it looks like you have relatively narrow heels. if that's the case, definitely look into eastons, s12's or s17's. wide forefoot(i now wear a EE X60, but was wearing a regular width s12 before that and it was plenty wide), tight/narrow heel. if you need a bit more volume, then look into the bauer flexlite 4.0 pro's...again, if you indeed have a narrow heel.

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Tamtamg is right on. Your going to have to go to a EE width in a Reebok or Bauer Supreme. If that doesn't work a Flexlite in an E or EE may be your only option. Otherwise a custom skate may be your only avenue you'll have left.

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Tamtamg is right on. Your going to have to go to a EE width in a Reebok or Bauer Supreme. If that doesn't work a Flexlite in an E or EE may be your only option. Otherwise a custom skate may be your only avenue you'll have left.

You have a very high instep to go along with those wide feet. Be warned the Flexlites may be wide in the forefoot area, but they are no deeper across the instep than either the Bauer supreme, or Reebok skates. I have a very similar shaped foot, and have tried the Flexlites, One 95's, and now the Reebok 11k's. All of them fit very similiarly through the instep, though the forefoot of the Flexlites are definitely wider than the other two.

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My foot is somewhat similar - thick, wide forefoot, narrow ankle, higher instep.

I've tried on many skates, both roller and ice over the years. I currently have Supreme line ice skates, and Mission Commander rollers. Both fit me ok with a mildly difficult break-in period. Not the best skate for me though. I kinda just deal with them because of how bad my feet are. I don't like heat molding because with my wide feet, I feel like the boot just gets too wide. I also don't do any punching out, but probably should.

The skates that stick out to me as out of the box comfortable were Easton SE Comps from years ago (loved them) and Graf G3s. The Easton's I kept for some time, converted them to roller and now my brother uses them. The Grafs as great as they fit, probably wouldn't have taken the conversion to roller so well because I was told the outsole would never last with a chassis on them.

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THe Grafs would work assuming you went with the composite outsoles... dont get any mid or low level grafs with a PU or hard plastic outsole, they tend to torque a lot more.

G70s might work for you, they do have a Europe equivalent (cant remember what the model is though).

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