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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The old Bauer 5000 Supreme Skates

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I picked up a gently used pair of these for my daughter today at Play It Again Sports. I have no idea how good these were back when they came out as I'm pretty new to the sport. Not many threads here with details either. Any feedback on these skates?

-Thanks, Todd

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Which ones did you buy? If I remember correctly they made them for about 6 years. They were all good skates, but the last generation (grey exterior) was next down from top of the line (Bauer 7000's). They were very durable and were fairly stiff (not 7000 or Z-air stiff) but not the lightest.

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yep with the 4000 (being red) and the 3000 (being green). I absolutely love this line. Classic supreme line !

I remember having some practice with Arnaud Brillant (captain of French team) training us in a summer camp back in the day, he was rocking a pair of supreme 5000!

It was the top of the line.

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Just dug my 5000's from high school out of my parent's basement last week. Gonna try to clean them up and use them for the pond or something. Having a hard time finding eyelets to fit the damn things though. I have a couple that need replacement...

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awesome pair of skates. played 3 years of highschool with them; still really stiff. only downside is that they were some of the last skates on the market to have a cloth toe -- so you can see they've taken some abuse since i didn't use pro-toe on them. rest of the boot has held up great; i kinda wish i didn't grow out of them.

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I had 2-3 pairs of them growing up, as Vathsdrop said they were top of the line back then ('98 I believe).

Ditto, the Supreme line ran supreme at all my LHS's growing up. I remember Peter Bondra rocking 'em throughout his time in Washington. Don't think he left them until the XXs debuted.

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