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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 11k or Totalone skates

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Hey DarkStar50, I know Bauer says the T1 is the same stiffness as the One95/One100, but most everyones experiences say otherwise. I recently tried on a pair of TO's and noticed that they felt significantly softer than the One95's I am currently in. I then did a direct comparison with a TO on my left foot and a One100 on my right. There is no question that the One100 was stiffer. Also, I thought that someone on here with inside info had said that Bauer changed the stiffness on purpose.

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What you feel and what is just might be two different things.

Considering that it seems to be the consensus, it seems unlikely that so many people have the same incorrect opinion. That said; as long as the lateral stiffness is there, a little more forward flex isn't a bad thing. Their skates were getting too stiff for most people.

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There is opinion and then there is me asking the question of the designers and production department. I asked them the question. I relayed the answer.

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