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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Bauer skates worn by Kane and Toews

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I was looking through the Blackhawks photo gallery and there was a picture with Toews and Sharp. Normally they both wear the Bauer X:60 skates but Toews had some Vapor looking skates that were different than Sharps. I am assuming they are the next vapor model, does anyone have any info on them?

I am not too sure how to post pictures but I found them in the Blackhawks photo gallery in the game vs Edmonton and LA. Also if you search Jonathan Toews or Patrick Sharp on Yahoo Sports there is a picture of Toews, Kane and Sharp and you can tell that Kane and Toews are wearing different Bauers than Sharp

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Bauer Vapor APX (A-Pex) skates.

Next years successor to the x60 skate.

As stated by others:

-In this case, they are most likely/if not positively test mules

-Alive composite boot

-Comfort foam around top of boot (similar to TotalOne)

The pictures of the skates rolling around the internet have red accent marks on the quarters of the skates, but I have to say the color scheme on Kane and Toews looks much better.

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