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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are you referring to the rocker? Meaning shorts would be closer to the front than in the middle, while longs would be in the back?

Ya like the combo rocker thing. Like these guys do:


Here is a list of combos they have listed as things they have tried and tested


That would be something! If t-blade is looking to make a splash...

I've wanted to try combo radius but I was not sure what my LHS would do to my skates when I get them sharpened later on...

Wouldn't have to worry if I had t-blades. Put them in and go...

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Looks like their new products will be available October 2011.

Geez their website is annoying and contains very little helpful info. Any idea what material is used in this new Speedflame holder? Also, does anyone know the plusses and the minuses of using the Glass Fibre vs. the Carbon? Is one really better than the other? I swear I have seen Seidenberg use both but Hecht only wears the glass fibre??

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