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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey ring tones?

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Download audacity (free), install lame codec (free) and convert any hockey sound effects from wav files to mp3.

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Although only a very limited audience would know it - Brass Bonanza (Harford Whalers "theme"/fight" song) was one time available on iTunes. I was able to create a custom ringtone for my iPhone from it...

PS - Love the avatar. I am a jewish hockey player myself!

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A goal song shared by many teams in the NHL (the Leafs I know are one of them) is Kernkraft 400 by Zombie Nation

The Ducks' goal song is Bro Hymn by Pennywise, if you google it, I'm sure you can find others

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A goal song shared by many teams in the NHL (the Leafs I know are one of them) is Kernkraft 400 by Zombie Nation

The Ducks' goal song is Bro Hymn by Pennywise, if you google it, I'm sure you can find others

Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis is the goal song for the Chicago Blackhawks and I think a couple others (as well as an Amstel commercial i believe).

Slapshot by Bad Apple is the NY Rangers goal song, which i think is available on iTunes also.

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I knew a guy that had the quote from the Goalie in Slapshot.

"trade me coach....right f'in now" It was pretty funny til it went off in a dressing room filled with Atom players and parents. Actually, that may have been the funniest time I heard it go off.

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Yes, I've got a BB Bold, but can't seem to find any good MP3's. I'll check out your link, thanks.

i have all the NHL teams horns if you're interested hit me up i'll email them to you or pass them through aol

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