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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Manager Present Opinion

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So the parents of my goalie are my managers for the year, and they're Jewish and always joke that "we'll make you a Jew yet" with me. They're not hardcore Jews, but they observe all the holidays. So my question is, I wouldn't be offending anyone by buying them Kosher wine for our holiday party next week would I? I only ask because I just got an earfull from my fiance about the idea and now I'm a little paranoid about the idea.

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Why not just ask the kid if his parents keep to a kosher diet? The odds are pretty good that even though they observe the holidays that they are not strict about dietary rules. I don't think you would offend them by having a bottle of Kosher wine with the rest of the refreshments but they may consider it a bit naive.

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So the parents of my goalie are my managers for the year, and they're Jewish and always joke that "we'll make you a Jew yet" with me. They're not hardcore Jews, but they observe all the holidays. So my question is, I wouldn't be offending anyone by buying them Kosher wine for our holiday party next week would I? I only ask because I just got an earfull from my fiance about the idea and now I'm a little paranoid about the idea.

It would be seen a nice a nice and considerable gesture, not offensive

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I think they would appreciate it. You went out of your way to get a kosher wine. That means you put thought and consideration into it.

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IMO, It depends on how well you know them and get along with them. Personaly, I would leave out any religious or ethnic gifts out of the equation just to be on the safe side. If you are bringing that wine to be served at the party, get a regular bottle of wine instead as if they do follow a Kosher diet, they will provide their own Kosher food/drinks as I don't think it would be good for them to rely on others for that. If its to offer it as a gift to your hosts, play it safe and get something without any significance other than it being a gift.

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I can't see how they would be offended. Worst case, they would likely appreciate the gesture, even if they don't follow a Kosher diet. Stay away from the pulled pork and bacon and you should be fine.

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